Veteran’s Memorial Park in Merrimack NH showing the World War 2 memorials. Photograph copyright Janice Brown, taken November 2015
At least 207 of Merrimack, New Hampshire’s citizens were veterans of World War 2. When that war ended, a high schools student named Lester Langley built a wooden memorial, hand-painting their names. The memorial was placed by the town’s public Library, Lowell Memorial, on Baboosic Lake Road. When the parking lot for the library was expanded, the wooden memorial was removed and then lost.
As of September 2015, and due largely to a young man named Hayden Faust, a newly awarded Eagle Scout, from Merrimack Troop 424, the memorial was replaced in a different location — at Veteran’s Park on Camp Sargent Road in Merrimack NH.

Merrimack New Hampshire’s plaque dedicating Veteran’s Memorial Park on Camp Sargent Road. Photograph copyright Janice Brown, taken November 2015
Veteran’s Park itself was dedicated in 1991 as illustrated on the plaque located there: “VETERAN’s MEMORIAL PARK. This park is dedicated in honor of the men and women who have served our country in the armed forced of the United States during time of war. Since the American Revolution, their patriotism and courage have helped preserve the principles of freedom. We hold deep reverence for those who gave their lives and those who suffered the wounds of war. By the Citizens of Merrimack. November 11, 1991.
The names on the new memorial are not in any special order, so I transcribed them alphabetically as shown here. There were a few surname spelling errors, and I believe some names are missing, but that story deserves a separate blog post.

2015 World War 2 Veteran’s Memorial in Merrimack’s Veteran’s Park. Photograph copyright Janice Brown, taken November 2015
—Names on the 2015 WW2 Memorial in Veteran’s Park, Merrimack NH–
Joseph Adamonis
George Allgainer [should read Allgaier]
William Allgainer [should read Allgaier]
Harry Babkirk
Forest Bean
Curtis Bell
Russell Bell
Blair Benner
Alba Bennett
Everett Bennett
Gerald Berry
John Berry
Kenneth Berry
Stanley Berry
Roland Bigwood
Russell Bird
Paul Bishop
Roland Bishop
John Blanchard
Peter Blanchard
Paul Bourque
Bertrand Boutilier
Mark Boutilier
Robert Bruce
Donald Burleigh
Alfred Burgess
Mary Burgess
John Call
Beatrice Calnan
Hector Caron
Henry Caron
Robert Caron
Paul Carter
Alfred Castle
Stanley Cobb
David Coburn
Donald Coburn
Forest Cogger
Lucille Cogger
Nelson Collier
William Collins
Richard Corbin
Robert Corliss
Raymond Cota
Alphege Cote
Edward Cox
Hershel Cox
John Cox
Therrien Cox
William Cox
Paul Creed
Phillip Cunningham
Dave Currie
Clifford Davis
Howard Decker
Stanley Drobysh
Alfred Dupell
Paul Dupell
Raymond Dupell
Russell Dupell
Louise Eugley
Raymond Forest
Frank Flanders
Harold Flanders
Ralph Flanders
Benjamin French
Elwin French
Sheldon French
Peter Fuller
Cornelius Funk
Roger Gerard
Edward Gertz
Donald Grant
Harry Grant
Perley Greeley
Clayton Greenleaf
Clifford Greenleaf
George Greenleaf
Milton Greenleaf
Emile Guichard
Philip Guichard
Chester Hadley
Eugene F. Haight
Bernard Hall
Chester Hall
Elmer Hall
Frank Hall
Frank E. Hall
Frank Hardy
Edward Haseltine
William Hayward
George Hayward
Arnold Heath
Philip Heath
Alden Henderson
Laton Henderson
Paul Hoffman
Albert Houle
Arthur Houle
Elzear Houle
Joseph Houle
Alexander Hujsak
Elizabeth Hujsak
Jennie Hujsak
Louise Hujsak
Karol Hujsak
William Hutchins
Robert Ingalls
Simond F. Janis
Raymond Jenkins
Robert Jodin
Donald Johnson
Anthony Kienier
Henry Kieslinger
Edgar Lafontaine
David LaMontagne
Lester Langley
John Laro
Arthur Levesque
Gerard Levesque
Raymond Levesque
Harland Linscott
James Longa
Wilbur Maker
Armand Marakian
Arthur McCalvey
Gordon McKay
Robert McDougall
Norris McPhee
Maurice Miville
Robert Miville
Richard Moore
Robert Moore
Donald Morse
Irving Mower
Romeo Neven
Richard Norton
Charles Nute Jr.
Marshall Nute
Frank O’Gara
James Osgood
Roland Paige
Forrest Parker
Harry Parker
Horace Patterson
George Patterson
Fred Perkins Jr.
Frank Pearson
Walter Pearson
Elizabeth Pecker
Leo Pellitier
Rolland Pellitier
Lester Perkins
Robert Perkins
Charles Peterson
Forest Pike
Michael Pirog
Peter Pirog
Francis Powell
George Ramsdell
Guy Raymond
Bernard Read
Fay Read–
Thayer Read
Wallace Read
Theodore Remlinger
Perley Rollins
Joseph Roy, Jr.
Elizabeth Schieder
Earl Schneiderheinze
George Shattuck
William Shattuck
Edmund Silver
Harold Silver
Porter Spooner
Carroll F. Stowell
John F. Stowell
Edward Sullivan
Ernst Tardiff
Raymond Tassinari
*Alcide Thibodeau [not on memorial sign]
Edward Thibodeau [this is Edgar Thibodeau]
Harry Thibodeau [this is Henry Thibodeau]
Note: Three of four brothers served in WWII that are not mentioned: Alcide, Edgar and Henry Thibodeau. They grew up in Merrimack and remained in the area after returning. [submitted by Sandra Thibodeau, see comments. ]
Charles Upham
John Viskin
Walter Viskin
Elwood Warriner
Weston Warriner
Berwin Watkins
Clifton Watkins
Elizabeth Watkins
Charles H. Watkins
John H. Watkins
John T. Wakins
Lewis Watkins
Berwin Webster
Robert Welch
Wallace Welch
Myron Whalin
William Whalin
James White
Edward Wilkins
Norman Worrad
John Worster
John Wright, Jr.

Operation Silent Witness plaque in Merrimack NH’s Veteran’s Park. Photograph copyright Janice Brown, taken November 2015.
In addition to the above plaques, another one honors those who served during World War 2 that reads: “Operation Silent Witness. This Dwight D. Eisenhower Green Ash tree is planted in honor of and in remembrance of all men and women who served in the U.S. Armed Forced during World War II. VFW Post 8641. May 26, 2001.”
This post was created in response to Heather Wilkinson Rojo’s annual Honor Roll Project (at Nutfield Genealogy), where she invited bloggers to photograph and transcribe Veteran names for research. In 2015 Heather created a new web site to house all of the posts, called simply The Honor Roll Project.
A similar incident took place in Stamford, CT when a WWII memorial was destroyed and the name plaques were discarded (my family members were on that)
John, I am sure that other incidents of lost memorials will continue to be re-discovered. Kudos to those who want to remember our veterans–all of them.
Thanks, I have a few photos of that memorial with my dad (a WWII vet). At some point I’ll create post for that.
I was looking up my father-in-laws life for my grand daughter,I came across ,thanks to everyone that was part of this .It means alot that they are honored today and everyday .by anyone and everyone that looks at this ..Thank you to everyone and you are in my prayers
Linda, who was your father-in-law, just curious!
Three of four brothers served in WWII that are not mentioned: Alcide, Edgar and Henry Thibodeau. They grew up in Merrimack and remained in the area after returning.
Sandra, so noted. I have edited the list of WWI veterans to include the Thibodeau brothers.