Photograph of World War I memorial at
Colburn Park in downtown Lebanon NH.
By Artaxerxes (Own work).
[CC BY-SA 4.0 , via
Wikimedia Commons“]
Lebanon New Hampshire sent more than its share of men and women to serve during World War I. Afterward most of those young people returned, though several did not. Lebanon built a fitting memorial to all in Colburn Park (Lebanon Green) on Park Street. The header of the plaque on that monument reads:
The names of all those connected with Lebanon New Hampshire who participated are inscribed upon this tablet. Those who paid the ultimate sacrifice (who died during war time) are marked with a star. My thanks to Ed Ashey, curator of the Lebanon Historical Society for taking the time to speak with me about several of these soldiers, and for providing an obituary and other documentation on several.
The history of the Guyer-Carignan Post of the American Legion states: “The Laws of Arthur G. Guyer Post 22 of Lebanon, N.H. were adopted December 2, 1920. The new Post was named Arthur G. Guyer as he was the first person from Lebanon killed in action. It was in the Battle of Chateau Thierry. He was killed by German gunfire while he was bandaging Raymond Carlisle’s wounds. Raymond was a brother of Albert Carlisle, who later became a member of this Post. Raymond was captured by the Germans and returned to the United States after the war was over.”

Burial place of Lloyd Emerson at St. Mihiel
American Cemetery in France. Photograph
provided by Ed Ashey, Curator of the Lebanon
(NH) Historical Society.
Used here with permission.
Heroes of Lebanon NH During WWI
The following legend is used to show the source of the name provided on this list. Soldier is listed on:
[A] WWI Roll of Honor, Doric Hall, State House, Concord NH
[B] Adjutant General’s List of Killed in Action from New Hampshire
[C] Honor Roll Plaque, WWI Monument, Lebanon NH
[D] Buried in Europe, American Battle Monuments Commission or Canadian European Monuments
[E] Canadian Military Records
[F] Birth, Marriage and Death Records
[G] U.S. Military Transport Records
[H] Soldiers of the Great War, Haulsee, W.M.
[I] Gold Star Mothers listing
[J] Newspaper notices and/or book listings
[K] Tombstone inscription
* Photograph or likeness provided or available.
[#] Numbers refer to a footnote following the list with additional information on a particular soldier or sailor.

Sketch of battleground burial site from History
of the American Field Service in France,
1914-1917 Vol III, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1920,
page 242.
A.H. Bliss |Soldier| Died September 1918 Camp Upton, LI, NY |11th Co. 3rd Batt. 152nd Depot Brigade NY |Glenwood Cemetery, Lebanon NH|[A][B][C][F][H][J][K][1]
Leon Boisvert aka Greenwood|Private |Died of Wounds received in action 18 November 1916, France |38th Bn H.Q. CEF (Canadian)|Warloy-Baillon Communal Cemetery Extension, Picardie France|[B][C][D][E][2]
Warren G. Bushee |Soldier | Died of Disease (influenza, broncho-pneumonia) 23 Sep 1918 Base Hospital, Camp Devens, Harvard, Worcester Co. MA| Training Camp |Mount Calvary Cemetery, Lebanon NH |[A][C][F][B][3]
Donald A. Carter* |Soldier |Died 13 Sep 1917 of Accident (motorcycle) in Morrison Hospital, Whitefield NH |U.S. Army Training, Massachusetts Homeopathic Unit #39 |School Street Cemetery, Lebanon NH|[A][B][C][F][4]
George E. Dupuis |Private |Killed in Action 28 September 1918, France |Co. I, 48th Infantry USNG 37th Div.|Mount Calvary Cemetery, St. Johnsbury VT | [A][B][C][G][5]
Lloyd F. Emerson* |Private|Died of Disease (spinal meningitis) 25 Sept 1918, France |301st Field Signal Battalion, 76th Infantry Div. | St. Mihiel American Cemetery, France; Cenotaph Glenwood Cemetery, Lebanon NH |[A][B] [C][D][G][6]
Harold E. Goodell*|Private |Killed by shell fire 3 November 1918 France | Co. L., 103rd Regiment, 26th Division | Glenwood Cemetery, Lebanon NH |[A] [B][C][H][J][7]
Arthur G. Guyer* |Private |Killed in Action 23 July 1918, France| Co E 103rd Inf. 26th Div. |Mount Calvary Cemetery, Lebanon NH|[A][B][C][8]
Theodore P. Houle |Soldier|Died 28 Sep 1918 Brookhaven NY |Probably Training Camp |Mount Calvary Cemetery, Lebanon NH [A][B][C][F][9]
Clarence W. McNeill|Unknown|Accidental Drowning 12 Jun 1919 Durham NH | Unknown|Glenwood Cemetery, Lebanon NH|[A][B][C][G][10]
Robert P. Snow* |Private|Killed in Action 24 Sep 1918 (shell fire), St. Mihiel, France |Co. M., 103rd Infantry, 26th Div. | Hartford Cemetery, Hartford VT | Credited to South Groveland MA|[A][B][C][K][11]
Edgar Williams Sykes |Corporal |Died of Wounds 13 Aug 1918, France |H.Q. Co., 101st Inf., 26th Div. |Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, France |Credited to South Groveland, MA|[D][F][H][I][K][12]
[1] Arthur Edward aka Arthur Hobart Bliss was born 21 July 1892 in Lebanon NH, son and only child of Hobart Estabrook & Carrie M. (Hall) Bliss. In the 1900 and 1910 U.S. Census he is shown living in Lebanon, NH with his parents. His WWI Draft Registration Card was completed in Orford NH and shows “Arthur Hobert Bliss” with the occupation as farmer for Herbert M. Clifford of Orford NH. He was single, of medium height, stout, with dark blue eyes, dark blue hair. The Orleans County Monitor newspaper (Barton, Vermont0 2 October 1918 page 1) printed the following: “Arthur Bliss, son of the late H.E. Bliss, formerly of this town, and a nephew of H.W. Bliss, died in Camp Upton, last week, and his body was buried in Lebanon, N.H., his home.” Camp Upton was a WWI training camp on Long Island, New York. He is buried in Glenwood Cemetery, Lebanon NH. His tombstone reads: 11th Co., 3rd Batt. 152nd Depot Brigade NY – WWI.
[2] Joseph Leon Frigus Boisvert aka Leon Boisvert aka Leon Greenwood was born 7 March 1891 at St. Jean Deschillion, Quebec, Canada, baptized 1891 in Deschaillons, Quebec son of Gideon & Eveline (Laliberty/Liberty) Boisvert. He immigrated about 1903 to the United States with his parents. In 1910 living in Lebanon NH. He has siblings Emeline Marie (b 1878, d. 12 March 1956), Eugene (b 1880, d. 17 Oct 1954 Lebanon NH); Alphonse (b 1889, d. 3 June 1955 Lebanon NH); and Telephor (b abt 1900). Leon married 21 Feb 1914 in West Lebanon NH to Cordelia Lalonde, daughter of Joe and Arzile (Lebann) Lalonde. He served in the Canadian army during WWI as Leon GREENWOOD, Service No 145211. On August 1915 he completed as Attestation of military enlistment, stating he was 5 ft 5 inches tall, 37 inches girth, with dark complexion, brown eyes, brown hair, and weighing 140 pounds. He stated he was Catholic, and his medical exam papers show he had previously had an appendix operation. Canadian military records show that he sailed from Halifax Canada on the SS Grampian on 23 May 1915 for France. He began as a Private in the 77th CEF, and was transferred to to 38th Bn H.Q. CEF. He died of wounds received in battle at the 3nd First Southern Midland Cas. Cl. Station on 18 November, 1916 (from a bayonet wound to his right hip and rectum). He is buried at Warloy-Baillon Communal Cemetery Extension, Picardie France. He had completed a will and his mother, Eveline Boisvert of 108 Hanover Street, Lebanon NH was his only beneficiary.
[3] Warren George Bushee was born 2 November 1892 in Lebanon NH, son of Alphonse & Mary Celina/Selina (Brault) Bushee. Siblings included Siblings: Fred “Freddie”; Arthur, Alice, Alphonse J., Margaret, and Leo A. In the 1916 Lebanon City Directory Warren is listed as a mill operative living at 37 Winter Street. His WWI Registration form was completed on 5 June 1917 in Lebanon NH. At that time Warren George Bushee was 24 years old, and living at 37 Winter Street, Lebanon NH, a teamster for H.P. Clough & Co. He was single, short and stout with brown eyes and dark brown hair. His death certificate shows that he died 23 September 1918 at the base hospital at Camp Devens, Harvard MA from broncho-pneumonia, resulting from influenza. He probably was there as part of training in the military. He is buried in Mount Calvary Cemetery in Lebanon NH.

Photograph of Donald Carter
from his obituary provided by Ed
Ashey, Curator Lebanon NH
Historical Society. Used with
[4] Donald Augustus Carter was born 27 January 1895 Lebanon NH, son of Augustus H. & Abbie May (Jackson) Carter. In the 1900 and 1910 U.S. Censuses he was living in Lebanon NH with his parents and one sibling, Marion J. Per Ed Ashey, Curator at the Lebanon Historical Society, “Donald graduated from Tilton Academy in 1916. He entered Boston University in the Fall of 1916, but did not complete studies. In May-June 1917 he was in training with the Harvard Reserve Officers Training Camp. On 6 July 1917 he enlisted in the regular army in Boston MA. He was assigned to Massachusetts Homeopathic Unit #39. After taking 2 weeks course, he returned home to Lebanon NH on leave waiting to be sent to France. He was riding in a motorcycle with a side car, with a friend Bob Harrison. A car tried to pass them, and the motorcycle went off the road and down steep bank. Donald was thrown out and killed almost instantly.” His death certificate states that he died 13 September 1917 in Morrison Hospital, Whitefield NH from an automobile accident. He was buried on 16 September 1917 in School Street Cemetery, Lebanon NH.
[5] George Edd Dupuis was born 19 April 1896 in Norton (Norton Mill), Essex Co., Vermont, son of George D. & Josephine (Boutin) Dupuis. His WWI Registration form was completed on 5 June 1917 in Lebanon NH, at which time he was living at 9 West Street in Lebanon NH, was single, of medium height and stature with brown eyes and light brown hair. He was employed as a mill hand. He departed Newport News VA on 22 June 1918 on the ship Duc Daosta, as a Private in Co I, 48th Infantry USNG 37th Division; Service No. 1913610. His next of kin at that time was his mother, Mrs. Josephine Dupuis St. Johnsbury VT. An application for a U.S. military tombstone for him shows that he was killed in France on 28 September 1918. His remains were returned 23 June 1921 from Antwerp Belgium arriving in Hoboken NJ aboard the Somme, a member of Co. I, 148th Infantry. He is buried in his family’s plot in Mount Calvary Cemetery, St. Johnsbury VT
[6] Lloyd Frederick Emerson* was born 8 February 1895 in Lebanon NH, son of Frederick H. & Fannie G. (Baker) Emerson. In the 1900 U.S. Census he is shown living in Lebanon NH with his parents, and siblings Stuart B. and Dorris M. The U.S. Army Transport Service Passenger List shows that he departed for Europe on 11 July 1918 from Montreal, Canada aboard the ship, Durham Castle. His rank then was Cook, Signal Corp., HQ and Supply Detachment, 301st Field Signal Battalion. His mother, Mrs. Fannie B. Emerson was noted then as his next of kin. According to his biography in the WWI Memorial book of Dartmouth College: “Prepared at the high school in Lebanon NH and at Phillips Exeter Academy. At Dartmouth he was a member of the Dramatic Association and took part in the Prom Shows. He belonged to Theta Chi. He enlisted in June 1917 as a private in the 301st Field Signal Battalion, and was sent to Camp Devens for training. He went to France in July 1918. On September 22nd he was taken ill with spinal meningitis (Lebanon Historical Society notes call it ‘frontal polio’) and died Sept 25, 1918.” He is buried in St. Mihiel American Cemetery, Plot A Row 29, Grave 7, Thiaucourt, France. There is a cenotaph for him at Glenwood Cemetery, Lebanon NH.

Photograph from Soldiers of the great
war ..by Haulsee, W. M. (William
Mitchell); Howe, F. G. (Frank
George), Doyle, A. C. (Alfred Cyril).
Soldiers Record Publishing
Association, 1920.
[7] Harold E. Goodell* was born 9 June 1900 in Bethel VT, son of Rollin Henry & Orpha May (Smith/Rowe) Goodell. In 1910 he was living in Bethel VT with father, stepmother and siblings Nora, Leon, Harold and Gladys.
The 1916 Hanover NH Area Directory shows: “GOODELL, Harold E., student, h. Rollin H. do.” He left 27 September 1917 from NYC to Europe, on the ship Lapland, as a Private in Co. I, 103rd Infantry.
The History of the 103rd Regiment of the 26th Division of the U.S Army during World War I shows: “Goodell, Howard, Pvt., Co. L, Nov 3, 1918, Killed by shell fire, Oakland Me.” His remains were returned to the United States after the war on the ship Wheaton departing Cherbourg France on 1 May 1921 and arriving in Hoboken NJ. His Service number was 66921. He was buried in Glenwood Cemetery, Lebanon NH.

Private Arthur Guyer (front row, first from left)
in France and his last missive home. Courtesy
Ed Ashey, Lebanon Historical Society.
[8] Arthur George Guyer* was born 14 February 1893 Lebanon NH, son of Rama/Ramier & Louise Mary (Gasrow) Guyer. In the 1900 and 1910 U.S. Census records he is living in Lebanon NH with his parents and siblings Leon D., Alfred J., Annie M., Edward E. “Eddie”, and Cora F. Based on the photograph on the left, he was a local vaudeville performer. The U.S. Military Transport Passenger Records show that he left New York City on 25 September 1917 for Europe aboard the ship
Saxonia, as a private in Co. E of the 103rd Infantry. His mother was his next of kin. His application for a military tombstone shows he was killed in France on 23 July 1918 and that his body was shipped from from France. He was reburied in Mount Calvary Cemetery, Lebanon NH. [Editor’s Note: Findagrave places his tombstone in Mount Calvary Cemetery, but his tombstone application states he was buried in Glenwood Cemetery]. [SEE added description at top of page regarding Guyer-Carignan American Legion Post.]
[9] Theodore Phillip Houle was born 24 March 1895 at Lyster [Sainte-Anastasie] PQ Canada, son of Jean Baptiste & Olivine (Lafond) Houle. The 1901 Census of Canada shows him living with his parents in Sainte-Anastasie PQ Canada along with siblings Eva, Romeo, Raoul and Alma. The 1916 Hanover NH Directory shows: “Houle, Theodore, clerk, L. Drug o., h. J.B. do.” [his parents John B. and Olivne L. are showing living at 91 Hanover Street]. His WWI Registration card was completed on 5 June 1917 in Lebanon NH, when he was living at 91 Hanover Street. At that time he was employed as a druggist clerk for Levasseur Drug Co. He was single, short and slender with brown eyes and dark hair. He indicated that he served 3 years as a corporal sergeant in a small regiment of Quebec, Canada. The New York Death Index shows he died on 28 September 1918 at Brookhaven NY. [Note: This is probably died Camp Upton, a military training camp]. I do not know the cause of death though there was an influenza epidemic in this camp during this month, so that reason is very probable. He is buried in Mount Calvary Cemetery, Lebanon NH.
[10] Clarence William McNeill was born 15 July 1900 in Lebanon NH, son of Charles A. & Sara E. (Wright) McNeill. His WWI Registration Form shows he was living at 24 Green Street in Lebanon, aged 18, and a student at Durham College (UNH) in Durham NH. He was of medium height and stature with blue eyes and dark hair. His death certificate shows he died on 12 June 1919 in Durham New Hampshire from an accidental drowning. He was buried the next day on 13 June 1919 in Glenwood Cemetery, Lebanon NH. There is no rank or military status mentioned on his death record, so possibly he had enlisted or he was a member of a military company at his college.
[11] Robert Pease Snow* was born 6 December 1891 in Hartland Vermont, son of John P. and Ellen L. (Pease) Snow. The 1900 and 1910 U.S. Census records show him living in Hartland, Windsor Co. VT with his parents and siblings Frank H., Glen J., Charles Roy, and Leon J (who m. Carrie M. Morse in Lebanon NH). His WWI Registration Card of June 5, 1917 was completed at Lebanon NH. At that time he was single, living at 24 Union Street. He was slender, of medium build with brown hair and blue eyes. He was a laborer for G.W. Marcha of Lebanon NH. The History of the 103rd Regiment of the 26th Division of the U.S. Army during World War I shows: “Snow, Robert P., Prvt. Co. M. Sept 24, 1918 Killed by shell fire. Home: Lebanon NH [at St. Mihiel].” The U.S. Military Transport Passenger Lists shows his remains were returned to the U.S. from Antwerp Belgium arriving in Hoboken NJ aboard the ship Wheaton on 2 July 1921. Private, Co. M, 103rd Infantry, service # 69747. He is buried in Hartford Cemetery, Hartford VT.
[12] Edgar William Sykes. was born 7 September 1896 at Lebanon NH son of Hugh & Harriet (Barrow) Sykes. The book, Gold Star record of Massachusetts shows: “Corporal: died 13 Aug 1918 of wounds received in action 17-18 July 1918, at Base Hospital 116, Bazoilles-sur-Meuse. Enl. 30 March 1917; reported for duty 30 March; mustered 6 April, Co. K., 6th Inf., Mass. N.G.; trans. to Hq Co., 101st Inf., 26th Div. Overseas 7 Sep 1917. Born 7 Sept. 1896 at Lebanon N.H., son of Hugh (of Muncey Pa., 1926) and Harriet (Barrow, died 1915) Sykes (both born in England); brother of Laura (wife of E.W. Burke) of Buffalo N.Y. Baker. Of South Groveland. [credited to South Groveland MA]. He is buried in the Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery in France. His name does not appear on any of the New Hampshire or Lebanon monuments.
[Editor’s Note: this story is part of an on-going series about heroic New Hampshire men and women of World War I. Look here for the entire listing].
Pingback: New Hampshire World War I Military: Heroes of The Great War | Cow Hampshire
Another great post. I really admire your dedication to his project.