Monthly Archives: June 2006

Poem: In A Disused Graveyard by Robert Frost

The living come with grassy tread
To read the gravestones on the hill;

The graveyard draws the living still,… Continue reading

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ale-wife (aylwife) “Pomolobus pseudoharengus,” a small river herring found along the Atlantic coast and in certain landlocked lakes of North … Continue reading

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Admiral David Farragut

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New Hampshire: The First Turkey on Mount Washington

The first and only turkey ever cooked on the summit of Mt. Washington…

was taken up by the lately … Continue reading

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New Hampshire’s Donald Hall: 14th U.S. ‘Poet Laureate’

The newspapers and ezines are full of articles about our new Poet Laureate, Donald Hall

My question is…. what exactly IS a “Poet Laureate?” Continue reading

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