2008 New Hampshire Winter Carnival And Ice Festival


Remick Country Doctor Museum & Farm celebrates its annual Winter Carnival

& Ice Harvest on Saturday, February 9, 2008, 10am-2pm.  You can

cut huge blocks of ice from Remick Pond with tools and techniques from the

1800’s! Use specially shaped saws, axes, chisels, forks, hooks, shovels and


The Yankee Teamsters 4-H Working Steers Club will work their mighty oxen to haul the ice to the ice house. The Chinook Dog Club of America will give dog sled rides to youngsters, weather permitting!  The Winter Carnival will include a snowball throwing contest and snowshoe obstacle course offered by the Tamworth Recreation Department.

The K.A. Brett Elementary School PTA of Tamworth will sell food and refreshments as a fund raiser. Come inside to warm up by the fire with homemade hot chocolate in our Visitor’s Center.  The Museum is always free, and it is open to the public during the event.

The ice on Remick Farm Pond grows by about one inch per day when the region enters a period of below freezing temperatures. To prepare for the ice harvest, our staff clears away the snow on the pond, which acts as an insulator, thus inhibiting the creation of ice.

Come see the living quarters of Dr. Edwin Crafts Remick,

the country doctor who owned the property, and view exhibits on the agricultural

way of life in New Hampshire from 1790 to the present. Donations are gratefully

accepted. Call us at

800-686-6117 for (603) 323-7591 for more information, or visit our website at


*This event is located in Tamworth, New Hampshire.*


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