Cow Hampshire: The Best of the Best 2007

The year 2007 was a good one for blogging, and the genea-blogger articles were no exception.  Although most of my stories do not relate to my own family, I did include a few that should be mentioned.

.Best Picture.

The best old family photograph that appeared on my blog in 2007 is not a blood relative, but it is a treasure discovered in a family photograph album. Passed down to me from my grandmother (through my cousin) was a photograph of Dr. Mary Edwards Walker, the only woman to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor.

.Best Screen Play.

The family story that I shared in 2007 that would make the best movie was New Hampshire Genealogy: The Legend of the Irish Drummer Boy. So many of the Irish immigrants to the United States participated in the Civil War.  Their story needs to be told.  I would pick Liam Neeson, to play the part of my great grandfather, Patrick John Ryan. Liam is several inches taller than Patrick was, however he would naturally be sporting a proper Irish accent.

.Best Documentary.

The best information article that I wrote in 2007 was, of course, about the Greatest Generation, in “When My Dad Was A MoMM” (It already has a catchy title, don't you think?)

.Best Biography.

The best family biographical story that I wrote in 2007 was a tribute to my mother, who passed away in March of the same year. The photographs, perhaps more than the written word, capture the spirit of that lovely woman who I can claim as my own.

.Best Comedy.

The best funny video that I shared on my blog in 2007 was Funny Genealogy: My Family Can-Can.  In addition to several of my ancestors, Ken Burns joined in the fun. This video spawned several others, and proved definitively that genealogists indeed have a sense of humor.

These “Bests” were compiled as my submission to the the 42nd edition of the Carnival of Genealogy,  requested by Jasia of “Creative Gene.”


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