Genea-bloggers have plenty of blog fodder to use as inspiration. Four popular carnivals have appeared this month.
The 44th Carnival of Genealogy, hosted by Jasia at Creative Gene, is a tribute to women during National Women's History Month. Thirty-two stories presented by some very talented writers are highlighted. The next carnival submissions are due April 1st, with the topic being “Cars as stars!”
The Carnival of Irish Culture and Heritage, hosted by Lisa at Small-Leaved Shamrock, presented A St. Patrick's Day parade of posts! Twenty-five very green bloggers celebrated the recent Irish holiday in style. The deadline for the next carnival is April 27th, with the topic being Irish names (first names, surnames, place names or words).
Tim Abbott at Walking the Berkshires presented yet another of his very strange Cabinet of Curiousities. Strange is the polite word for the strangely wacky stories presented here.
GenLady presented her “Where Were You During the Great Depression?” as part of her “Where Were You” Carnival series.
Other articles of great interest this month include:
Bill West of West in New England finally completed his list of 49 Uses for a Flutaphone.
Miriam at AnceStories writes about some mouth-watering Alaskan Russian Food.
I know you will enjoy reading these articles as much as I did!