North Conway New Hampshire Actor and Producer: Gordon A. Clapp (1948-still living)

A native of North Conway, and coming from a family well-known there, Gordon A. Clapp has acted in television, theatre and movies.

Gordon Clapp as Robert Frost performing in This Verse Business. Photo by Meghan Moore, located at The New England Theatre Geek Blog at

Gordon Clapp as Robert Frost performing in This Verse Business. Photo by Meghan Moore, located at The New England Theatre Geek Blog at

He has also executive produced and starred in three short films. He has gleaned both American awards [Emmy award for Best Supporting Actor in a Drama Series NYPD Blue, and a Tony-nomination] and Canadian awards [Dora Moore Award nomination for Best Actor, and a Gemini Award].

Probably his most well-known TV role is that of “Detective Gregory  Medavoy” on NYPD Blue, the second longest running regular character in the series.  On Broadway he is remembered as “Dave Moss” in the 2005 Tony Award-winning “Glengarry Glen Ross (1992).  In the movies he appeared as “Howlin Mad” Smith in “Flags of our Fathers” (2006).  As recently as October of 2011 he appeared locally, in “This Verse Business”   (2010 the Peterborough Players; 2011 at Merrimack Repertory Theatre) as Robert Frost, in “a one man, minimalist presentation.”  Discover if he is “gravel running down the cellar steps” or not [see video].

Graduating from Williams College, Gordon early worked in Toronto (Canada) theaters and as a member of Ottawa’s National Arts Centre.  His acting accomplishments are extensive.

Gordon Clapp Biography

Gordon Clapp, Personal & Public

Wikipedia: Gordon Clapp

The Gordon Clapp Picture Pages

Gordon Clapp was home-grown in North Conway, New Hampshire, born 24 September 1948, the son of William C. & Janet (Peacock) Clapp.  Reportedly he married Deborah Taylor, an actress, divorcing in 1999.  He has a son, William (Billy), born in 1988.

Actor, Gordon A. Clapp
Clapp Family Memorial

=======First Generation =======

Captain Roger Clap, son of William, born at Salcombe Regis, England 6 April 1609, died 2 Feb 1690-1, was buried in the old burying place now called King’s Chapel Burying-Ground. Brother to Edward Clap who came about 1633 to join him in Dorchester. Roger joined in the Church-Colony organized at Plymouth England in March 1629; came in the Mary and John, arriving at Nantasket 30 May 1630. He was captain of the militia duty, and 10 Aug 1665 appointed captain of the Castle, which he continued for 21 years.  He removed to Boston MA in 1686.  He married 6 Nov 1633, Johanna Ford, dau of Mr. Thomas Ford a fellow passenger in the Mary and John.  She was b. 8 June 1617 in Dorchester England and died June 1695. Capt. Roger Clap left an autobiography.  His will dated 19 Nov 1690 bequeathed to his wife and surviving sons Samuel, Preserved, Hopestill and Desire; daughters Elizabeth and Wait, and cousins Ester Bissel and Constant Dewey.
Children of Capt. Roger & Johanna (Ford) Clap:
1. +Samuel Clap, b. 11 (8) 1634
2. William Clap, b. and d. 1636
3. Elisabeth Clap. b 22 (4) 1638; m. Joseph Holmes
4. Experience Clap, b and d 1640
5. Waitstill Clap, b. 22 (8) 1641, died (6) 1643
6. Preserved Clap, b. 23 (9) 1643
7. Experience Clap, baptized 21 Dec 1645
8. Hopestill Clap, b. 6 Nov 1647
9. Wait, born 17 March 1649; m. Jonathan Simpson
10. Thanks Clap, b. 25 (6) 1650
11. Desire Clap, b. 17 Oct 1652
12. Thomas Clap, b. April 1665, d. 1670
13. Unite Clap, b. 13 Oct 1656, d. 20 March 1664
14. Supply Clap, b. 30 (8) 1660, d. 5 March 1685-6

=======Second Generation =======

Samuel Clapp, son of Roger & Johanna Clapp, was b. 11 Oct 1634. He married Hannah Leeds, dau of Richard of Dorchester MA. He died about eight days after his wife on 16 Oct 1708 about 74 years of age.
Children of Samuel & Hannah (Leeds) Clapp:
1. Samuel Clapp, b. 22 Feb 1661; d. 12 Feb 1666, age 5 yrs
2. John Clapp, b. 16 June 1664, d. 6 Oct 1665
3. Hannah Clapp, b. 28 Sep 1666, d. 1 March 1679, aged 13 yrs
4. +Samuel Clapp, b. 6 Aug 1668, d. 20 Jan 1724
5. Experience Clapp, b. 28 July 1670; d. 3 Aug 1671
6. Unite Clapp, b 6 Dec 1672; d. 11 March 1674
7. Return Clapp, b. 11 May 1675; d. 18 July 1676
8. John Clapp, b. 8 May 1677; d. 7 March 1701; unmarried
9. Elizabeth Clap, b. 11 Feb 1679p m. Edward Sumner
10. Hannah Clapp, b. 13 Sep 1681; d. 9 Aug 1747; m. Ebenezer Clapp, son of Nathaniel and grandson of Nicholas Clapp.

=======Third Generation =======

Samuel Clapp, son of Elder Samuel & Hannah (Leeds) Clapp, b. 6 Aug 1668 in Dorchester MA; about 1700 he m. Mary Paul/Pavll.  He was deacon of the church and lieutenant of the military company. He d. 1724, aged 55, without a will. His widow m. Abiel Bird. She d. the same year as her son Samuel, 2 Jan 1752 and were buried in one grave.
Children of Samuel & Mary (Paul) Clapp:
1. John Clapp, d. 14 Sep 1701
2. Samuel Clapp, b. 27 May 1701, d. 2 Jan 1752
3. Hannah Clapp, b. 14 Aug 1702
4. John Clapp, b. 24 July 1705, d. 20 Feb 1706
5. John Clapp, b. 12 Sep 1706, died young
6. Benjamin Clapp, b. 17 Oct 1707; d. in 1793
7. Supply Clapp, b. 1 June 1711; d. 28 Dec 1747; Minister in Woburn MA
8. +Thomas Clapp, b. 5 July 1713; d. 11 Aug 1798

=======Fourth Generation =======

Thomas Clapp, son of Samuel & Mary (Paul) Clapp was b. July 5, 1713, d. 11 Aug 1798; he m. 16 Sep 1735 to Elisabeth Preston, who d. 25 May 1770, age 55 (he had 10 children by her); he m2)  30 Jan 1772 to Abigail Lane who d. 20 Nov 1779. He was a sexton to the church in Dorchester, MA.
Children to Thomas & Elisabeth (Preston) Clapp:
1. +Thomas Clapp, b. 14 Aug 1736; d. 7 Sep 1807, aged 71
2. James Clapp, b. 17 Nov 1737; d. 10 Nov 1765
3. Elizabeth Clapp, b. 28 Feb 1739; drowned in a wash tub 7 May 1740
4. Elizabeth Clapp II, b. 28 Nov 1741; m. — Rumrill of Roxbury MA
5. Samuel Clapp, b. 23 Dec 1744; removed to Hanover NH and then to Royalston MA.  He married and had children: Samuel, Anna and Eustatius.
6. Daniel Clapp, b. 15 Jan 1746; married and had children
7. Charles Clapp, b. 25 June 1749, d. 14 Aug 1752
8. Mary Clapp, b. 26 March 1752; m. — Bagley; resided Williamsburg MA
9. Sarah Clapp, b 17 Aug 1754; m. Thomas Lyon of Dorchester. After her death, her husband m2) 1841 to Sarah Clapp (b 1794) dau of Seth Clapp of Dorchester, who m2) Josiah Davenport of Needham MA.
10. Esther Clapp, b. 21 Feb 1757; m. 24 May 1780 to George Davenport

=======Fifth Generation =======

Thomas Clapp, son of Thomas & Elisabeth (Preston) Clapp, b. 14 Aug 1736, and d. 7 Sep 1807, aged 71; he m. 10 Jan 1760 to Mary Wales. She d. 1 Sep 1808, aged 70.
Children of Thomas & Mary (Wales) Clapp:
1. Susanna Clapp, b. 20 Sep 1760; unmarried, kept house for her brother Charles.
2. Mary Clapp, b. 9 Sep 1762; d. unm 20 Apr 1790, age 28 years
3. Abigail Clapp, b. 2 Aug 1766; m. 5 Feb 1795 to Oliver Bird of Dorchester MA. He d. 24 Sep 1806, age 45. She lived in Dorchester MA near Roxbury MA line on old Road to Boston; in 1846 she removed to a new house on Columbia Street.  She d. 4 Feb 1848, aged 81
4. +James Clapp, b. 27 Aug 1769
5. Charles Clapp, b. 5 Sep 1772; unm until 1847 when at age 75 he married Mrs. Mary P. Richards. He d. February 1861 in his 89th year.
6. Lucy Clapp, b. 21 Oct 1779, d. 22 May 1780

=======Sixth Generation =======

James Clapp, son of Thomas & Mary (Wales) Gleason, b. 27 Aug 1769. He m. Elisabeth Gleason and lived in a house on Columbia Street in Dorchester MA.
Children of James & Elisabeth (Gleason) Clapp:
1. +George Clapp, b. Oct 1796
2. Mary Clapp, b. 7 Jan 1799; m. 10 Dec 1823 Antipas Jackson of Newton MA; had 3 children
3. Abigail Clapp, m. — Witherill of Newton MA
4. Elizabeth Clapp, b. abt 1806; unmarried; lived with her great-grandfather Thomas Clapp, died in Dorchester MA
5. Susan Clapp, b. 3 Aug 1807; d. June 1871; m. Joseph G. Bannister of Framingham MA; had 2 ch
6. Lucinda Clapp, died young
7. James Clapp, died young

=======Seventh Generation =======

George Clapp, son of James-6 and Elisabeth (Gleason) Clapp; b. Oct 1796 Dorchester MA; m. 18 Oct 1821 in Roxbury, Suffolk Co. MA to Margaret Goding, dau of Spencer & Margaret (Chadwick) Godding. She was b. abt 1787 in Maine. She also married — Tubbs. Possibly he is the George Clapp who d. 30 Dec 1829 in Roxbury, Suffolk Co. MA
Children of George & Margaret (Goding) Clapp:
1. +Capt. George W. Clapp, b. abt 1821-1823 MA;
2. Henry Clapp, removed to Illinois m. Anne Ely
3. Margaret Clapp, b. abt 1824; m. John Tucker, resided Watertown MA
4. Benjamin Clapp, b. abt 1826, d 1842
5. Sarah Clapp, b abt 1827; m. Marer Hodgkins; resided Roxbury MA
6. Albert Charles Clapp, b. 31 Aug 1829 Roxbury MA; d. 12 Nov 1907 at Hyde Park MA; m. Louisa A. Rollins, dau of Hiram & Susanah (Grant) Rollins; resided Dorchester MA; She b. 1837 in Alna Maine and d. 15 Sep 1908 at Hyde Park MA

=======Ninth Generation =======

Capt. George W. Clapp, son of George and Margaret (Goding) Clapp, b. abt 1821-1823 in MA and d. 25 Dec 1863 (tombstone states ‘died at sea’); he was captain and lost along with the steamer Quincy, off Cape Hatteras. He m. 13 March 1856 at West Ghent, NY to Albertine “Albertice” Waltermire.  She b. 1834 and d. 1875.  She m2) Charles Melius and resided in Clinton, Dutchess Co. NY. George and Albertine are both buried West Ghent Reformed Church Cemetery, West Ghent, Columbia Co. NY
Marriages in the Christian Intelligencer (Reformed Dutch Church) 1830-1871 via the NEHGS: “At West Chent, February 11th, by the Rev. J.H.Van Woert, George W. Clapp of Brooklyn to Albertien Waltermire of West Ghent.- Mar 13, 1856 – Marriage.”
Encyclopedia of Civil War Shipwrecks by W. Craig Gaines, page 127:
“Quincy. Union. Screw steamer, 396 tons. Built in 1857 at Buffalo, N.Y. Foundered on December 20, 1863, at Cape Hatteras with sixteen killed (MSV, 179,291).”
The Quincy was the first transport to get away, passing Sandy Hook at night December 4th, in face of a threatening gale that lasted about three days. While passing Cape Hatteras the gale became so severe that the vessel was ingreat danger of not being able to weather it, as Captain George W. Clapp, an old and experienced navigator, afterward acknowledged. Had she foundered, few, if any could have survived to tell the tale. Except the crew and Captain Cogswell, all hands were in that state of sea-sickness they did not care whether they lived or died. The Quincy was an old freight propeller with two light masts, and one small upright boiler to work her machinery, previously in the merchant marine on one of the western lakes. She was lost December 12th, 1863, while makingthe voyage from New York to New Orleans, having sprung a leak during a violent gale, going down in sight of Hatteras Light. Out of twenty-five persons aboard nine were saved. Captain Clapp was lost.
Congressional Serial Set: Journal of the Senate of the United States of America, 1865; page 387: “Mr. Morgan presented papers in relation to the claim of the Mercantile Mutual Insurance Company in the city of New York, to be reimbursed for the loss of eight one-thousand-dollar United States legal-tender treasury notes by the foundering of the United States mail steamer, “Quincy,” off Cape Hatteras, in the month of December, 1863; which were referred to the Committee on claims.”
George W. Clapp, captain of steamer Quincy June 21, 1863.
1860 US Census > Louisiana > Orleans > New Orleans Ward 5 > 259
G.W. Clapp 39 M Wood dealer 5000 800 MA [b abt 1821 MA]
Albertine Clapp 24 F NY [b abt 1836 NY]
G. Franklin Clapp 4  New Orleans [b abt 1856 NY]
Louisiana Clapp 1 F New Orleans [b abt 1859 NY]
John Hurd 28 M  NY
Cornelia Hurd 29 F
Ida Hurd 5 F
1870 US Census > New York > Dutchess > Clinton > 22
Melius Charles 39 M W Merchant 3000 NY [b abt 1839 NY]
Melius Albertine 30 F W Keeping House NY [b abt 1840 NY]
Clapp Frank 13 M W at hom e NH
Clapp Fannie 8 F W at home NY
Clapp Georgetta 6 F W at home NY
Melius William 1 M W at home NY [b abt 1869 NY]
1880 US Census > NY > Kings > Brooklyn
Charles J. Melius M 44 NY Insurance Collector NY NY NY [b abt 1836 NY]
Frank G. Clapp M 23 NY step son clerk in store NY
Fannie Clapp F 18 Louisiana step-dau Louisiana NY NY
Georgietta Clapp F 16 NY step-dau ny ny ny
William W. Melius M 10 NY son NY NY NY
William Von Valkenbergh M 22 NY boarder
Robert Watermine M 26 NY boarder
Children of George F. & Albertice (Waltermire) Clapp:
1. + Franklin G. Clapp, b. 1858 NY.
2. Louisianna Clapp, b. abt 1959 Louisianna
2. Fannie Clapp, b abt 1862 Louisianna
3. Georgiaetta Clapp, b abt 1864 NY; she m. 30 April 1882 in Manhattan NY to William A. Walker, son of George W. & Kate (Newkirk) Walker. [her marriage record identifies parents named]

=======Tenth Generation =======

G. Franklin “Frank” Clapp, son of Capt. George W. & Albertine (Waltermire) Clapp, was b. 1858 NY and d. 1895 in NY, probably Brooklyn. He married by 1892 to Augusta C. –.  She b. abt 1859 NYC and d. aft 1930 prob in Garden City, Nassau Co., NY.  [both of her parents b. Germany] The 1880 Directory of Brooklyn shows “Clapp, Frank G. carpetmeasurer h 94 42nd street.” He is buried at West Ghent Reformed Church in West Ghent, Columbia Co. NY.
[1898 Brooklyn directory shows same for Augusta, but sons not listed]
1901 Brooklyn directory shows:
Clapp, Augusta, wid. Frank, h. 1286 Madison
Clapp, Howard, clk, h. 1286 Madison
Clapp, Lloyd, clk, h 1286 Madison
1892 NY Census> Kings > Brooklyn Ward 18 > E.D. 45 > 11
Franklin G. Clapp M 35  Carpets [b abt 1857]
Gussie C. F 33  [b abt 1859]
Howard F. M 9
Lyold [Lloyd] A. M 7 [b abt 1885 NY]
1910 US Census > New York > Kings > Brooklyn Ward 28 > 0896
Clapp, Augusta Head F W 51 widow 2 ch 2 living NY Germany Germany dressmaker
Clapp, Howard son M W 27 m1x 5 yrs NY NY NY Stock Exchange
Clapp, Lulu dau-in-law F W 21 m1x 5 yrs 2 ch 1 living NY NY NY
Clapp, Howard F. grandson M W 5/12 single NY NY NY
Clapp, Loyld[Lloyd] son M W 28 single NY NY NY clerk, steam railroad
1915 NY Census > Queens > NY
Clapp, Mrs. Augusta Head W F 58 widow US dressmaker
Clapp, Howard F. son W M 32 uS telephone clerk
Clapp, Lulu daughter-in-law W F 32 US home work
Clapp, Howard F. Jr. grandson W M 5 us no occup
Clapp, Lloyd G. son W M 30 US freight agent
1920 US Census > NY > Nassau > Garden City
Howard F. Clapp 37
Lulu Clapp 37
Howard Clapp 10
Augusta Clapp 62
Lolyd (Lloyd) Clapp 35
New York Times–12 Nov 1956
Lloyd A. Clapp of 77-35 133th Street, Forest Hills, Queens who retired in 1952 as chief of the freight traffic bureau of the New York Central Railroad died yesterday in the Kew Gardens General Hospital in Queens. His age was 72.  Mr. Clapp had been with the railroad for forty-seven years. After his retirement he became transportation director of the National Association of Waste Material Dealers, Inc. 271 Madison Avenue. He was a member of the New York Traffic Club.  Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Anna Miller Clapp; a daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Schmidt of White Plains, and a grandson.
Children of Franklin G. & Augusta C. (?) Clapp:
1. +Howard Franklin Clapp, b. 11 July 1882/83
2. LLoyd Augustus Clapp, b 12 Aug 1884, d. 11 Nov 1956 in Queens NY; he m. Anna Miller. [see obituary above] In 1940 living in Queens NY. Registered for WW II Draft in Forest Hills, Queens NY

=======Eleventh Generation =======

Howard Franklin Clapp, son of Franklin G. & Augusta C. (?) Clapp, b. 11 July 1882/83 [Brooklyn] Garden City, Nassau Co. NY, and d. August 31, 1945; he m. abt 1904 to Lulu R. –.  She b. 3 Sep 1881 in Garden City NY, and d. in 1937. [Greenfield Cemetery, Uniondale, Nassau Co. NY tombstone: Lulu R. Clapp, 1881-1937].
New York Sun, Sat, Sep 1, 1945; Obituary: Howard F. Clapp
Howard Franklin Clapp, a member of the Stock Exchange and former memer of the Exchange firm, Carlisle, Mellick & CO., died yesterday at Nassau Hospital. He was 63 years old. Grandson of Capt. George Clapp, steamship commander who ran the Confederate blockage to deliver pay to the Union Army, Clapp, who lived at 140 Euston Road, Garden City, rose from page boy at the Exchange to member, reputedly making a fortune in the process by shrewd trading.  Born and educated in Brooklyn he studied electrical engineering at Pratt Institute. He started with the exchange in 1906 and soon was promoted to telephone clerk. After working as head telephone clerk for a number of firms, he was made head telephone clerk for the firm headed by Jay F. Carlisle in 1910, a post he held for eight years.  In 1918 he bought his own seat on the Exchange, the fourth telephone clerk to do so that year. He is survived by his sons, Howard F. Clapp Jr. and William and his brother, Lloyd A. Clapp, freight traffic division chief of the New York Central Railroad.
New York Times Obituary, 1945
CLAPP-Howard Franklin, on Friday Aug 31, 1945 of 140 Euston Road, Garden City, L.I., beloved father of Howard F. Jr. and William C. Clapp, brother of Lloyd A. Clapp. Services at Fairchild Chapel, Franklin Ave., at 12th street, Garden City, Monday 8 P.M., Hudson NY, papers please copy
1892 NY Census> Kings > Brooklyn Ward 18 > E.D. 45 > 11
Franklin G. Clapp M 35  Carpets [b abt 1857]
Gussie C. F 33  [b abt 1859]
Howard F. M 9
Lyold [Lloyd] A. M 7 [b abt 1885 NY]
1915 NY Census > Queens > NY
Clapp, Mrs. Augustua Head W F 58 US dressmaker
Clapp, Howard F. son W M 32 uS telephone clerk
Clapp, Lulu daughter-in-law W F 32 US home work
Clapp, Howard F. Jr. grandson W M 5 us no occup
Clapp, Lloyd G. son W M 30 US freight agent
1920 US Census > NY > Nassau > Garden City
Howard F. Clapp 37
Lulu Clapp 37
Howard Clapp 10
Augusta Clapp 62
Lolyd (Lloyd) Clapp 35
1930 US Census > NY > Nassau > Garden City
Howard F. Clapp 47 Head 35000 M W married at age 21 NY NY NY member stock exchange [b abt 1883 NY]
Lulu R. Clapp 47 F W 47 married at age 21 NY NY NY [b abt 1883 NY]
Howard F. Clapp Jr. 20 son W M single NY
William Charles Clapp 9 son M W single NY
Augusta Clapp 73 mother F W 73 widow married at age 23 NY NY NY
Emma Davis 43 maid F Neg single VA VA VA
United States Census, 1940 > New York > Nassau > Hempstead Town, Garden City > 30-57 Hempstead Town
Clapp, Howard F. Head M W 58 widow NY NY Stock Broker
Clapp, August mother F W 82 widow NY NY
Clapp, William C., son M W 19 single NY
Children of Howard F. & Lulu (?) Clapp:
1. Howard F. Clapp Jr., b 3 Nov 1909 Brooklyn NY, d. 1948
2. +William Charles Clapp, b. 28 December 1920 Garden City NY

=======Twelfth Generation =======

William Charles Clapp, son of Howard & Lulu R. Clapp, was born 18 Dec 1920 and d. –.  He married 15 April 1944 to Janet Peacock, dau of Grant Allen & Frances (Emmons) Peacock. She was b. 12 May 1919 in NY and d. 19 March 1996, age 76 at Intervale, Carroll Co., NH. She m2nd, Stuart E. Knowlton.[see his obituary below]. According to a newspaper report: He [William C.] worked for WBNC radio, and who was active in the Eastern Slope Ski Club, was a close friend of the late Hannes Schneider during the late 1940s and 1950s. He was responsible for interviewing Hannes, the notes of which were used to provide material to writer Gerard Fairlie for his 1957 biography of Schneider, ‘Flight Without Wings.'”
Brooklyn Eagle, Thur March 30, 1944 — Society
Cathedral Wedding on April 15 Planned by Janet Peacock and William C. Clapp
Miss Janet Peacock, daughter of Mrs. Frances Emmons Peacock of Garden City and Grant A. Peacock of New York, and William Charles Clapp, son of Howard E. Clapp of Garden City and the late Mrs. Clapp, will be married in the Cathedral of the Incarnation on the afternoon of Saturday, April 15, at 6:30 o’clock. The Very. Rev. George A. Robertshaw, former dean of the Cathedral, will perform the ceremony.
Miss Mary Peacock will be her sister’s maid of honor and the bridesmaids are to be Mrs. Oliver Clyde Fuller 2d, and Mrs. Granger Hall Collens of Garden City and Miss Nancy Martin of Manhattan.
Lennart Ahlgren of Franconia, NH will serve as best man. The ushers will be George Emmons Peacock and A/S Grant Allen Peacock, brothers of the bride-elect and George Lorgin Hubbell 3d of Garden City.
Stuart E. Knowlton, 84, of Wenham, husband of the late Janet (Peacock) Clapp Knowlton, formerly of N. Conway, N.H., died June 7, 2008, at Addison Gilbert Hospital, Gloucester, following an extended illness.Born February 11, 1924, in Wenham, he was the son of the late Roger and Gwendolen (Duclow) Knowlton. Mr. Knowlton was educated in local public schools and was a 1942 graduate of Beverly High School. He enlisted in the U.S. Army during World War II, serving in Europe, and he fought at the Battle of the Bulge.Following his honorable discharge as a sergeant, Mr. Knowlton returned to Wenham. He relocated to Jackson, N.H., in 1975 and was employed at the Carroll Reed Ski Shop for many years. He retired in the mid 1980s, moving back to his hometown in 2000. He was an excellent golfer and enjoyed playing in Hawaii, Hilton Head, S.C., and Jackson, N.H. He also enjoyed working on jigsaw puzzles. He is survived by a son, Mark E. Knowlton and his companion, Theodore Clements, of Ipswich; a daughter, Marcia A. Borysthen-Tkacz and her husband, Joseph, of Essex; his stepchildren, Gordon Clapp of California, Ian Clapp and his wife, Terri Boewe, of Tamworth, N.H., Nancy Brady and her husband, Ray, of Needham and Polly Howe of Conway, N.H.; a brother, Lawrence Knowlton of Litchfield, Conn.; eight grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews.He was also the brother of the late Richard Knowlton, formerly of Hamilton.Private funeral arrangements are by Whittier-Porter Funeral Home of Ipswich.Those who wish may make memorial contributions in his name to the American Cancer Society, 30 Speen St., Framingham, MA 01701.To send a condolence to his family, visit
Children of William C. & Janet (Peacock) Clapp:
1. **Gordon Clapp was home-grown in North Conway, New Hampshire, born 24 September 1948,the son of William C. & Janet (Peacock) Clapp.  He married Deborah Taylor, an actress, divorcing in 1999. [see biography above]
2. Ian William Clapp, b. 29 Aug 1952; res. Tamworth NH



Alexander Rolland Peacock, son of William Cherry and Isabella H. (Rolland) Peacock; b. 12 Aug 1861 in Dunfermline Scotland and d. 12 Jul 1928 in Pittsburg, Allegheny Co. NH (buried Peacock crypt, Homewood Cemetery, Pittsburgh PA; he married 24 June 1855 to Irene May Affleck, dau of Stephen D. and Ida (Allan) Affleck of Brooklyn NY.  She b. 28 Feb 1864 in NY and d. 5 July 1947. Their home was “Rowanlea” North Highland Avenue, corner Wellesley Ave, Pittsburgh PA, summer home “Belle Isle” Alexander Bay, Thousand Islands NY.
1900 US Census > PA > Allegheny > Pittsburg > Ward 22, Dist 0262
Peacock Alexander Head W M Aug 1861 38 married 15 yrs Scotland Scotland Scotland, immigrated 1880 naturalized 20 yrs ago (ie 1880) President Carnegie Steel
Peacock, Irene M. wife W F Feb 1864 36 married 15 yrs 4 ch 4 living NY NY NY
Peacock, Clarence N. son W M Oct 1887 12 single NY Scotland NY
Peacock, Rolland B. son W M March 1891 9 single NY Scotland NY
Peacock, Grant A. son W M July 1893 6 single NY Scotland NY
Peacock, Irene M. daughter W F Aug 1899 9/12 single NY Scotland NY
High, Joseph W. butcher black male Dec 1870 29 single PA PA PA
Cary, Mildred M. cook black female March 1873 27 single VA VA VA
Thousand Islands
Children of Alexander R. & Irene M. (Affleck) Peacock:
1. Clarence Neilson “Clare” Peacock, b 15 Oct 1886 Brooklyn NY and d. 8 Oct 1962; resided Pittsburg PA; he m1) June 1910 to Jean Rolston, dau of Louis B. Rolston. She b. 7 Jan 1888 in New York, NY. They divorced and he m2) Beulah Taggart Whitstone. He had one child from his 1st wife, Alexander R. Peacock. Clarence graduated from Princeton University receiving a Bachelor of Letters. Princeton won its second championship in 1910, when goaltender Clarence N. Peacock ’10 allowed league opponents only two goals in five games. He was capt of Princeton’s Hockey team. Princeton OBITUARY.
2. Rolland Bedell Peacock, b. 28 March 1891 Pittsburgh PA; d. 10 Jan 1960; married; child: Rolland Bedell Peacock Jr., b. 18 Jan 1921 Garden City, NY and d. 5 Jan 2002 New Brunswick NJ. He served as 1st Lt US Army in World War II, 490 Bomb Group.
3. + Grant Allen Peacock, b. 4 July 1893 Pittsburg PA
4. Irene Margaret Peacock, b. Aug 1899 NY; ?m. James F. Cook
5. Jean Alexander Peacock, b.22 Aug 1910 in NY; d. 22 Apr 1985 in Salem; She m. Hosmer Eldridge.

Grant Allen Peacock, son of Alexander Rolland and Irene May (Affleck) Peacock, b. 4 July 1893 in Pittsburg PA, and d. 17 March 1977; he married 23 Dec 1917 to Frances Antonia Emmons,dau of George Thornton & Katherine M. (Baker) Emmons.  She b. 26 Nov 1895 in Sitka, Alaska, but in 1900 living with her family in Princeton, Mercer Co. NJ; WWI Draft Registration card construction work at East Jersey Pipe Corp, 50 Church Street, NYC, residing 4 Greenholm St, Princeton NJ. WWI attended US Naval Pay Officers School, commissioned 19 Sep 1917 Ensign; promoted to Lieutenant (Junior Grade); Served in Pay Corps U.S. Naval Reserve Force, Lieutenant. Grant and Frances divorced betw 1930-1940. Grant married 2) between 1938 and 1951 to Lucy/Lucie Gertrude Elkin, dau of Charles E. & Margaret R. (MacKenzie) Elkin.  She b. 1 Dec 1895 in NJ and d. 13 Nov 1973 in Middlbury, New Haven Co. CT.  She had m1) 1917 to F. Kenneth Stephenson, Wall street expert on municipal bonds and VP of Stone & Webster Inc.  They divorced in Reno, Nevada 10 March 1938. They had three children.
USS EMMONS named for Rear Admiral George Foster Emmons, grandfather of Frances Emmons Peacock
George Thornton Emmons
1900 US Census > NJ > Mercer Co. > Princeton
Emmons, Frances Head W F Sep 1825 74 widoe 4 ch 4 living MD VA PA
White, Edmond son-in-law W M Dec 1843 56 married 30 yrs ohio NY NH naval officer
White, Antonia, daughter W F Nov 1850 49 married 30 yrs 3 ch 2 living MD VT MD
Emmons, George T. son W M June 1851 48 married 13 yrs Md VT MD naval officer
Emmons, Katherine M. daughter in Law W F June 1869 30 married 13 yrs 2 ch 2 living IL ohio ohio
Emmons, Thornton F. grandson W M July 1890 9 single Alaska MD ILL
Emmons, Frances A. granddau W F Nov 1895 4 single Alaska MD ILL
White. Louise D. granddaughter W F Feb 1878 22 single NJ Ohio MD
Emmons, Thornton F. son W M Aug 1858 41 single MD VT MD
[servants, Caroline Johnson, Mary Johnson, Nannie Haley and Lawyer Fletcher.]
Marriage in Pittsburg PA area
PEACOCK             Grant Allen    EMMONS              Frances AntoniaPitts    Princeton, NJ        Marriage       1917-12-23     Pitts Press
PEACOCK             Grank Allen    EMMONS              Frances Antonia                              Marriage       1917-12-28     Pitts Press
PEACOCK             Grant Allen    EMMONS              Frances Antonia                              Engagement     1917-12-30
1930 US Census > NY > Nassau > Garden City
Peacock, Grant A. Head M W 26 married PA Scotland NY Jeweller
Peacock, Frances E. wife F W 24 married Alaska MD Illinois
Peacock, Janet dau F W 3/12  NJ PA Alaska
Mary Peacock 9
Grant A. Peacock 7
George E. Peacock 3-6/12)
CHARLTON – George Emmons Peacock, 81, of Charlton and Nantucket Island, formerly of Sudbury, died Oct. 26, 2007, after having been diagnosed with advanced cancer in the summer of 2007.
He was the husband of Marian McKenzie Peacock for 51 years.
Born in Garden City, Long Island, the last of four children of the late Grant Allen Peacock and Frances Emmons Peacock, he left in the early 1940s to relocate in North Conway, N.H., with his family. He enjoyed golf at the North Conway Country Club and many hours skiing on Mount Cranmore. He attended Lawrenceville School in New Jersey, and the New Hampton School in New Hampshire. Upon graduation, he worked for E. A. Davis Co. in North Conway.
After suffering a severe hearing loss at age two from complications of the measles, Mr. Peacock was unable to enlist in the Navy, a long-running family tradition, but was drafted into the Army during the Korean War.At his discharge, he enrolled in Bentley College in Waltham, and following his graduation, worked in the accounting offices of the Carroll Reed Ski Shop in North Conway. In 1957, the family moved to Waltham where he had taken a job with Raytheon Co. on the comptroller’s staff. He grew to the position of senior financial analyst at Raytheon’s executive offices in Lexington, and worked 35 years for the company. In 1970, Mr. and Mrs. Peacock and their five children moved to Sudbury. An active member of the Sudbury community, he was a founder and coach of the Sudbury Youth Soccer Association and coach of the Boston Bays soccer teams. He was a constant spectator at his children’s sporting events, and was active in the church community, initially at The First Congregational Church of Waltham, and then at St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church in Sudbury. In 2000, Mr. and Mrs. Peacock moved to their summer home on Nantucket. Over his years on Nantucket, both as a seasonal and a full-time resident, he took pleasure in his love of the island and in the home with many visits from family, friends and the constant companionship of his sheepdogs. He was a member of St. Paul’s Church, Miacomet Golf Club, and the Nantucket Historical Association. In May 2006, the Peacocks became inaugural residents of the Overlook Community in Charlton where he enjoyed the comfort and friendship of the community. He was known throughout Overlook for his infectious laugh, his kindness to all, and his sheepdog, Chloe. He left as he lived his life – with pride, dignity, and the memory of a 2-1 Red Sox victory in game 2 of the World Series, and surrounded with the love of his wife and family at the time of his death.Besides his wife, he leaves his children and their spouses, Donald Emmons and Nancy Allen Peacock, and Alexander Robert Peacock, all of Newmarket, N.H., Douglas Scott Peacock of Haiku, Maui, and companion Janice Hamasaki of Chicago, Thomas McKenzie and Barbara Pallian Peacock, and their sons, Landon Ryan Pallian, Cameron McKenzie Peacock, and Connor Winslow Peacock, all of Westford, Sarah Frances Peacock Moran and her fiance Paul Coppin, and their sons Kevin John Moran, and Shaun Coppin, all of Nashua, N.H., and James Thornton and Paulette Peacock of Palm Bay, Fla. and their daughter Jennifer Painter and family; his brother Grant Allen Peacock and his wife Jo Ann of Reading, Conn., and their family; and a sister-in-law Jane McKenzie Parker of North Falmouth and Sanibel, Fla., and her family; many nieces, nephews, great-grandchildren, and their extended families. He was the brother of the late Janet Peacock Clapp Knowlton and Mary Peacock of North Conway, N.H. Memorial donations may be made to the New England Olde English Sheepdog Rescue Association (N.E.O.E.S.R.), 49 Stone Hedge Road, Lincoln, MA 01773; or to St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church, 1 Morse Road, Sudbury, MA 01776.
Child of Grant Allen & Frances (Emmons) Peacock:
1. +Janet Peacock, b. abt 1930 in Princeton, Mercer Co. NJ
2. Mary Peacock, b abt 1921 NJ [see CLAPP genealogy]
3. Grant Alan Peacock, b 16 March 1923 NJ; d. 3 Feb 2010 Redding, Fairfield, CT
4. George Emmons Peacock, b abt 1927 NJ; d. 26 Oct 2007 in Charlton MA; m. Marian McKenzie.  Children: Donald Emmons Peacock & wife Nancy of Newmarket NH; Douglas Scott Peacock; Thomas McKenzie Peacock and wife Barbara of Westford MA; James Thornton Peacock and wife Paulette of Palm Bay FL; dau Sarah Frances Moran of Nashua NH.


[not all related through same CLAP family]

Edward Dwight Clapp

Henry Clapp: American Genius of Impressionism

Fifty Ancestor of Henry William Clap

Henry Clapp Jr., (1814-1875), Editor, Poet, Journalist, Reformer, Translator


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6 Responses to North Conway New Hampshire Actor and Producer: Gordon A. Clapp (1948-still living)

  1. Chris Dunham says:

    And his first movie was Return of the Secaucus Seven, which was filmed in and around North Conway! (I used to bore my family with this piece of trivia every time his face appeared on NYPD Blue.)

  2. Great story! I always enjoy looking up the names in your posts to see if they match anyone in my tree. I found Elizabeth Clapp who married Edward Sumner, and their daughter Mary Sumner married Thomas Balch . Cool connection to my Balch ancestors in Beverly, Mass.

  3. Richard Miller says:

    I saw Gordon Clapp in a restaurant yesterday in Hanover . I read he’s in a film that’s in production. In Hanover?

  4. Pingback: The Death of Lizzie Clapp | One Rhode Island Family

  5. Pingback: Vermont filmmaker’s new period drama screens July 30

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