Some Newmarket New Hampshire Genealogy: Joy, Badger, Leavitt and Willey Families

Old postcard of Moonlight Bridge, Newmarket NH and a horse-drawn carriage

Old postcard of Moonlight Bridge, Newmarket NH and a horse-drawn carriage

I purchased some beautiful photographs that connect several of Newmarket, New Hampshire’s early families to each other. Even though I’m not related to them, they have an interesting visual appeal.The three photographs are of Nathan Holt Leavitt (2d), his wife Mary E. (Badger) Leavitt, and their daughter Lizzie C. (Leavitt) Willey.

The partial genealogies of the Joy, Badger, Leavitt and Willey families are shown directly below. It is interesting to note that several generations were united by their profession in the carriage industry, either building them, or painting them.

Mary Smith Joy
, daughter of Dea. Timothy-6 (Samuel-4-5-3-2, Thomas-1) & Mary (French) Joy b. 30 Nov 1812 in Durham [or Middleton] NH, d. 25 May 1891 in Newmarket NH; m. 15 Jan 1827 to William Badger, son of Samuel-6 Emerson & Susannah (Churchill) Badger, and a descendant of Giles-1 Badger of Newbury MA [via Sgt. John-2, Stephen-3, William-4,-5, Samuel-6.] William was b. 1805 in NH and d. 1 May 1838 in Newmarket NH. [per newspaper obituary see below]. She was a milliner. Buried Old Cemetery, Newmarket NH. [ALSO See Thomas Joy and his descendants, by James R. Joy, 1900, page 46]
1850 US Census > NH > Rockingham > Newmarket
Mary Joy F 60 NH
Mary S. Badger F 37 NH
Timothy Badger M 23 NH
Mary E. Badger F 17 NH
Matrimony Notice. Tuesday, February 13, 1827; New-Hampshire Republican (Dover NH) page 3; “At Newmarket, Mr. William Badger to Miss Mary Joy.”
Mortuary Notice: Tuesday, May 29, 1838 New-Hampshire Gazette (Portsmouth NH) page 3: “In Newmarket, May 1st, Mr. William Badger, 31.
Saturday, August 30, 1834; Independent Inquirer (Brattleboro VT), page 3
A shocking accident happened at Lamprey River, Newmarket, on Saturday last, by which one man lost his life, and two or three others barely escaped. A man by the name of Wm. French, descended into a well, about 16 feet deep, containing no water, for the purpose of clearing it, but the moment he reached the bottom he became insensible. Another man by the name of Simon Garlin, immediately descended with a rope to his assistance, but before he could fasten it securely about the person of French, he himself became insensible. Another person, Mr. William Badger, the owner of the well, then descended and attached the rope to French, who was drawn out dead. Before Badger was able to rescue Garlin, however, or return himself from the well, he shared the fate of those who had preceded him and sunk down insensible. A fourth man then descended, and fastened the rope to Badger but barely escaped himself. Badger was then drawn up. After which a fifth person descended through whose exertions Garlin was rescued. A physician being at hand, Garlin and Badger were restored to life, but with French all exertions were in vain. It was judged by those present that Garlin was in the well from 25 to 30 minutes, French 20 to 25 and Badger 10 to 12. This should be a warning to others not to descend into a well until it is known whether it may be done with safety, which is easily ascertained. French, the person who was taken out of the well dead, was cuationed beforehand that is he descended, it would be at the hazard of his life. He persisted, however, and paid the forfeit. He was about 32 years of age.–Dover Enq.

Mary E. (Badger) Leavitt (1833-1908)

Mary E. (Badger) Leavitt (1833-1908)

Children of William & Mary S. (Joy) Badger:
1. Timothy Badger b. 1827, d. 10 Feb 1855 in San Francisco, California
2. Samuel E. Badger b 13 Dec 1829 in Newmarket NH, d. 22 Jan 1911 in Lowell MA; m. 16 April 1857 in Lowell MA to Harriet A. Frost, daughter of Richard & Esther Frost; res. Lowell MA; buried Lowell Cemetery
3. *Mary E. Badger*, b. 1 July 1833 in Newmarket NH; m. Nathan Holt “Holt” Leavitt

Deacon John Leavitt & Mary Lovitt
Lieut. Samuel Leavitt & Mary Robinson
Ephraim Leavitt & Martha —
Samuel Leavitt & Elizabeth Merrill
Dudley Leavitt & Dorothy Clifford Frost
Nathan Holt Leavitt & Betsey Batchelder

Nathan Holt Leavitt (1832-1901)

Nathan Holt Leavitt (1832-1901)

*Nathan Holt Leavitt, son of Nathan Holt & Betsey (Batchelder) Leavitt, b. 30 Sep 1832 Northwood, Rockingham Co. NH, d. 25 March 1901, aged 68 years. He m. 16 Oct 1853 to *Mary E. Badger, daughter of William & Mary Smith (Joy) Badger. She was b. 1 July 1833 in Newmarket, Rockingham Co. NH, and d. 3 January 1908, aged 74 years. He was a carriage dealer. In the 1872 Directory of Newmarket: “Leavitt, Nathan H. carriages, house Leavitt’s court.”
Child of Nathan Holt & Mary E. (Badger) Leavitt:
1. +C. Elizabeth “Lizzie” Leavitt*, b. 20 June 1854 Newmarket, Rockingham Co. NH, d. 13 March 1919 in Exeter NH. She m. 1877 to Thomas Willey.

Thomas W. Willey
, son of Thomas W. & Mary

C. Elizabeth "Lizzie" (Leavitt) Willey (1854-1919)

C. Elizabeth “Lizzie” (Leavitt) Willey (1854-1919)

(McCalistor) Willey, b abt 1853; d 22 January 1889, aged 36y 13d in Newmarket NH; m. 1877 to Elizabeth “Lizzie C.” Leavitt. He was a carriage painter. She was b. 20 June 1854 [or 2 Jan 1855 on death rec] in Newmarket, [or Newfields] Rockingham Co. NH, and d. 13 March 1919 in Exeter NH. In the 1867 Newmarket NH Directory: “Willey, Thomas W. carriage painter, house Gerry.
1880 US Census > NH > Rockingham > Newmarket
Thomas W. Willey Self M 27 NH
Lizzie Willey wife F 25 NH
Mary Holt Willey dau F 2 NH
Harriet W. Willey dau F 0 NH
Children of Thomas W. & Lizzie C. (Leavitt) Willey:
1. Mary Holt Willey, b 9 Feb 1878 Newmarket NH
2. Harriet Wentworth Willey, b. August 1879 Newmarket NH, d. 4 Oct 1950 in Newmarket NH; m1st) 9 Oct 1901 in Newmarket NH to William Patrick Haley, son of Patrick Haley. He was a merchant and she was a music teacher at the time of their marriage. He was b. Newmarket NH. She m2d) 16 Jan 1928 in Newmarket NH to John F. Kent, son of Ebben & Myra N. (Nute) Kent. He was b. abt 1862.


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6 Responses to Some Newmarket New Hampshire Genealogy: Joy, Badger, Leavitt and Willey Families

  1. Amy says:

    What a terrible story. You’d think that certainly after the second man became “insensible,” the others would have thought of some alternative way to rescue them rather than following them down into the well. I assume there was some sort of poison gas or maybe just lack of oxygen?

  2. Diane Carey says:

    Possibly methane gas.

  3. Barbara Garceau says:

    Very interesting story. Any way to discover information about an accidental drowning in Newmarket in July 1901. Herbert Chester Barnes Looking for more information. Visiting? Others present?

  4. Debbie Sargent Cravens says:

    I grew up in Newmarket, but never thought I had ancestors from there (most from Concord/Loudon, NH or Amesbury and New Bedford, MA. Now I’m finding I am related to people from Newmarket. I have Wileys and Frenches in my genealogy as well.
    Thanks for sharing the story.

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