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Janice A. Brown,
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"The ongoing invisibility of women and girls is a serious issue for our country, and for the world. The invisibility of our history, heroes, stories, challenges, and success handicaps the future of all Americans, and it deeply affects our economy and our communities."--Megan Smith, U.S. Chief Technology OfficerWhat History Isn’t
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- James E Ramsey on New Hampshire Missing Places: Lone Star Ranch, Reeds Ferry
- LIVES LOST BEYOND THE MEDALS at MEUSE-ARGONNE ABMC CEMETERY - Meandering through the PrologueMeandering through the Prologue on More Lost Faces of WWI: American Nurses Who Died in Europe
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Monthly Archives: February 2016
March 2016: Celebrating Women’s History Month in New Hampshire
The March 2016 Women’s History Month Theme (as designated by the National Women’s History Project) is “Working to Form a More Perfect Union: Honoring Women in Public Service and Government.” Their goal is to make women’s historic achievements visible. My … Continue reading
Musician and Music Teacher, Orson Lafayette Mason (1849-1923): Descendant of Capt. Hugh Mason in Cheshire County NH
Orson Lafayette Mason‘s very interesting face looks out from a scratched tintype photograph that I purchased on a popular auction site. He wears a stylish hat, and his mutton chop sideburns add to the impressive look. He would have appeared … Continue reading
Posted in Genealogy, History
Tagged Bahan, Benjamin, Capt., Captain, Cheshire, Collister, county, Dublin, Edward, Floyd, Gertrude, Hampshire, Harrisville, Hugh, Joseph, Keene, Kingsbury, Lucy, MA, Marlborough, Martha, Mason, Massachusetts, McCollester, music, new, New Hampshire, NH, piano, Samuel, sing, singing, Spaulding, Starkey, Stephen, store, teacher, voice, Watertown
New Hampshire Tidbits: Milford New Hampshire’s Oddity Party of 1876
In olden times, Oddities were people with odd or strange looks or mannerisms. Think–Barnum & Bailey’s side show. Parties where attendants would dress as ‘oddities’ were being held as late as 1900 when there was a newspaper report in Sheldon … Continue reading
The face of Claremont New Hampshire’s Adaline A. (Johnson) Stowell
I am starting to think that someone collected photographs of people who died from tuberculosis in the Claremont NH area. Among a group that I purchased recently, at an online auction is one of Adaline A. (Johnson) Stowell. She was … Continue reading
Posted in Genealogy, History, New Hampshire Women
Tagged Adaline, Claremont, Edmund, Hampton, Johnson, New Hampshire, NH, Stowell, Winnicumet
New Hampshire Tidbit: There is NO President’s Day in February
Today is really a day to celebrate George Washington’s Birthday. Both the federal and New Hampshire wording of the law calls it Washington’s Birthday. So why are we allowing this amazing day to be ‘watered down’ by calling it something … Continue reading
Posted in History, Holidays, NH Tidbits
Tagged birthday, celebrate, Day, federal, Hampshire, holiday, Lincoln, Lincoln's, new, New Hampshire, NH, President, presidents, state, Washington, Washington's