New Hampshire WWI Military: Corporal Michael T. Champa of Manchester NH (1896-1918)

Champa Michael corp watermarkedMichael T. “Mike” Champa was born Mikal Champa on  11 August 1896 in Manchester NH, son of Thomas P. & Katazyna “Katie” (Lukasik/Lukiasik) Champa. His parents were immigrants, being born in Austria-Poland. Siblings included Wanda, Henry Thomas, Waldyslaf, Charles, and John.  He grew up in the neighborhood of 313 Pine Street.

Records show that “Mike” Champa served in Co. B of the 23rd Infantry in Europe. He probably participated in the Battle of St. Mihiel, and died at the beginning of the Meuse-Argonne Offensive. A history of the 23rd Infantry states: “The last and hardest struggle of the war came in October and ended on 11 November. This was the Meuse-Argonne offensive…The right flank of the Mont Blanc Ridge was taken, freeing the city of Rheims and opening an avenue for attack on the Argonne Forest. Reverting [from French army leadership] to the American 1st Army, the 23d Infantry attacked the Argonne Forest from the east on 3 November.” This was the day that Mike T. Champa died in France, on 3 October 1918.

Sept. 15, 1921 newspaper notice from the Boston Post

Sept. 15, 1921 newspaper notice from the Boston Post

Along with his fallen comrades, Michael Champa was at first buried in France. After the war, he along with others from Manchester NH were returned for reburial. The Sept. 15, 1921 newspaper notice from the Boston Post states, “Military Honors for Five Manchester Heroes. MANCHESTER, N.H., Sept 14. — The bodies of five Manchester lads, heroes of the World war, arrived here today from Hoboken, and will be buried with solemn ceremony and full military honors. The bodies arriving this morning on the first train from New York were those of First Lieutenant George D. Parnell, First Sergeant Ralph Levasseur, Corporal Michael Champa, Private William S. Thompson, and Private Samuel F. McDonald.”

Corporal Mike T. Champa’s application for a burial stone states that he was re-interred (probably in September 1921) in St. Hedwig’s Cemetery, a Catholic cemetery located on Old Bedford Road, Bedford NH.

*****Additional Information on the Family of Michael T. Champa *****
Children of Mathew & Anna Champa of Austria-Poland
1. +Thomas Joseph Champa, b. 21 Dec 1874 in Galicia, Austria-Poland
2. Antini/Anthony Champa, b. 13 July 1882 in Austria-Poland; m. Katarzina “Katie.” Ciesmpa In 1910 living with his brother Thomas in Manchester NH. In 1917 on WWI registration living at 22 Laurel Ave, Manchester, a mill worker for Amoskeag Mfg.
3. Katie/Katarina Champa; m. before 1899 to Casanius Mashlonka. ?She m2d before 1902 to Raisman Washlow

Thomas Joseph Champa/Ciempa, son of Mathew & Anna Champa, born 21 Dec 1874 in Galicia, Austria-Poland, died 26 February 1953 in Goffstown, NH following an accident by falling while cutting wood. He married Katazyna “Katherine” “Katie” Lukaski/Lukiasik, daughter of Mathew & Katherine (Vanat) Lukasik. She was born 3 November 1866 in Austria-Poland and d. 21 June 1937 in Bedford, NH. They are both buried in St. Hedwidge Cemetery, Bedford NH. Occupations 1895 weaver, 1898 mill operative, 1917 laborer, 1920 doffer in woolen mill. Living at [all Manchester NH] in 1910 44 Washington Street ;in 1917 at 207 Merrimack Street
1900 US Census > NH > Hillsborough > Manchester > 313 Pine Street
Champa, Thomas Head M W Dec 1873 26 married 7 yrs Austria (Pol) – Poland (Aus) P-A imm 1888 12 years naturalized clerk
Champa, Katie wife W F Nov 1870 29 married 7 yrs 5 ch 5 living Poland (Aust) P-A P-A immigrated 1892
Champa, Wanda daughter W F May 1894 6 single NH P-A P-A
Champa Michael son W M Aug 1896 3 single NH P-A P-A
Champa Henry son W M March 1898 2 single NH P-A P-A
Champa, Waldystoof son W M Feb 1900 9/12 single NH P-A
CHampa Rowl [Carol] son W M Feb 1900 3/12 single NH P-A P-A
Kauer, Adam Boarder W M Dec 1883 26 M 3x Pol-Aust P-A P-A imm 1892 alient cotton weaver
Kauer Apolania Boarder W F Dec 1880 19 M3 yrs 0 ch 0 liv P-A etc. imm 1893 cotton weaver
Kauer, Katie boarder W F Dec 1878 21 single P-A P-A P-A imm 1898 cotton weaver
Kauer Jacob Boarder W M Dec 1871 28 single P-A P-A P-A imm 1898 cotton weaver
Lakasek, Joseph Boarder W M Dec 1880 19 single P-A P-A P-A imm 1898 silk mill, washing machine
Makara Anders Lodger W M Dec 1878 21 single P-A P-A P-A imm 1898 silk mill
Blayak Takla Lodger W F Dec 1876 23 single P-A P-A P-A imm 1899 cotton weaver
Zajehoska, Teresa Lodger W F Dec 1879 23 single P-A P-A P-A imm 1898 cotton weaver
Zajehoska, Unord Lodger W F Dec 1883 16 single P-A P-A P-A imm 1899 cotton weaver
1910 US Census > NH > Hillsborough > Manchester > 44 Washington Street
Champa, Thomas Head M W 38 m1x 17 yrs Austria(Pol) A-P A-P imm 1885 naturalized Laborer, Brewery
Champa, Katherine wife F W 36 m1x 17 yrs [so m about 1893]Austria-(Pol) A-P A-P no occupation
Champa, Vanya daughter F W 16 single NH A-P A-P apprentice cigar factory
Champa, Michael son M W 14 single NH A-P A-P no occupation
Champa, Henry son M W 12 single NH A-P A-P no occupation
Champa, Charlie, son M W ( single NH A-P A-P
Champa, John son M W 7 single NH A-P A-P)
Champa, Anthony, brother M W 27 m1x 5 yrs Austria(Pol) A-P A-P Polish weaver, cotton mill
Champa, Katie sister-in-law F W 26 m1x 5 yrs 1 ch 1 living Austria-P A-P A-P [m. about 1905] card room, cotton mill
Champa, Stanislaws nephew M W 7/12 single NH A-P A-P
Yaskoca, Anthony, Boarder M W 28 m1x 17y 3 ch 2 living Austia(Poland) A-P A-P weaver, cotton mill
Yaskoca Katherine boarder F W 26 m1x 7y 3 ch 2 living A-P A-P A-P card room, cotton mill
Yaskoca John Boarder M W 5 single NH A-P
Yaskoca, Edward boarder M W 2 single NH A-P A-P
Koshik Anna boarder F W 28 m1x 6 y 2 ch 1 living Austria-P A-P A-P weaver, cotton
Koshik, Edward Boarder M W 2 single NH
Schapou, Mentos, Boarder M W 22 single Austria(Pol) A-P A-P
1920 US Census > NH > Hillsborough > Manchester > 446 Hanover Street
Thomas Champa 46 W M married imm 1887 naturalized 1902; Galicia-Polish G-P G-P Doffer, Woolen mill
Katrina Champa 48 F W 48 married imm 1890 naturalized 1902 Galicia-Polish G-P G-P
Evangaline Coly 25 daughter F W 25 married NH G-P G-P stripper, cigar factory
Joseph Coly 25 son-in-law M 25 imm 1909 naturalized — Poland-Polish P-P P-P
Henry CHampa 21 Finisher, shoe shop gilwork woolen mill
Charles Champa 20 gilwork cementing shoe shop
John Champa 18 cementing shoe shop
1940 US Census > NH > Hillsborough > Manchester > 485 Vinton Street
Cooley, Joseph M. Head M W 48 M * yrs Poland Laborer Road Project
Cooley, Wanda M wife F W 40 M 8 yrs NH housewife
Cooley, Adele daughter F W 18 h-4 single NH billing clerk, wholesale hardware
Cooley, Evelyn daughter F W 16 S h-3 NH
Cooley, Bernard son M W 12 single 7y NH
Cooley, Beverly daughter f w 4/12 SINGLE —
Champa, Thomas father-in-law M W 62 widow 8y Poland
Champa, John J. brother-in-law M W 34 single NH stone mason
Children of Thomas & Katherine (Lukasik) Champa:
1. Vanya/Wanda Champa/Ciempa, b May 1894 Manchester NH; m. 11 Nov 1919 in Manchester NH to Joseph M. Kulesza/Cooley, son of Michael and Anna (Palas) Kulesza. He died 28 July 1945 in Manchester NH.
#2. stillborn daughter b. 23 March 1895 Manchester NH
#3. *Mikel Champa, b. August 11, 1896 Manchester NH [doc shows #2 birth]
#4. Henry Thomas Champa [unnamed on birth record], b. 20 March 1898 Manchester NH. He married 30 Nov 1922 to Helen V. Duda, dau of Joseph & Julia (Palka) Duda. By 1940 he and his family was living in Bristol CT where he died 17 Feb 1978. Their children include Walter T., Irene M.., Dorothy J., Evelyn C., Thomas M. and Catherine S.  [WWI draft regis]
5. Kladyslaf/Wladyslaf Champa, b 7 Feb 1900 Manchester NH; d. 8 July 1900 Manchester NH
6. Rowl/Carol/Charles T. Champa, twin, b 7 Feb 1900 Manchester NH. In 1940 living with his brother Henry T. in Bristol CT, single at that time.
7. Jan/John T. Champa, b. 30 October 1901/1902 Manchester NH; died 14 March 1974; enlisted in the US Navy 26 Oct 1920, released 19 October 1923, has military tombstone. In 1930 was living with his brothers Henry and Charles in Bristol CT, single at that time. In 1934 working as an electrician. In 1945 living at 485 Vinton Street, notice in the Manchester City Directory, selling monuments.

[Editor’s Note: this story is part of an on-going series about heroic New Hampshire men and women of World War I.  Look here for the entire listing].

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4 Responses to New Hampshire WWI Military: Corporal Michael T. Champa of Manchester NH (1896-1918)

  1. Pingback: New Hampshire World War I Military: Heroes of The Great War | Cow Hampshire

  2. Ann Chiampa says:

    Janice, the soldier’s name caught my attention, but another name within the story caught my eye for another reason. When my grandmother, Emilia Ziobro came over to America from Poland around the turn of the century, the Duda family of Manchester took her in, as they had taken in her two other sisters before her, and later, her brother. To see the name Duda again makes me wonder if they could be THE family who was so kind to these four children whose mother had died during childbirth, and whose new stepmother had refused them any love, attention or sustenance. I am still a member of St. Hedwig Parish and all my grandparents and both my parents are buried at St. Hedwig Cemetery. You might have just given me a link to my past, and I thank you so much for that possibility.

  3. Pingback: New Hampshire WWI Military: Heroes of Manchester | Cow Hampshire

  4. Cynthia Vera (Kulesza) Cooley says:

    So interesting as this is my family!

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