New Hampshire WWI Military: The Heroes of Nashua

1923 Nashua Telegraph sketch accompanying the Roll of Honor for WWI.

1923 Nashua Telegraph sketch accompanying the Roll of Honor for WWI.

You “did not hear the cannon, did not face bullets, did not writhe under the gas; … you, were safe here at home, working, earning and spending; and you cannot understand what happened ‘over there.’ And no man can tell you, it was too big and too terrible.” These are the words of J. Franklin Babb, spoken at the dedication of the cannon memorial in Greeley Park, Nashua New Hampshire.

I am writing this story to correct an oversight, to publish an important list of names–brave men and women of Nashua, New Hampshire who served valiantly during World War I.  By reading my story, by remembering them, you help to shine a light upon their bravery. We owe it to them, to remember.  In my humble opinion, ALL of the military from both lists of the dead shown below should be recognized on one Nashua memorial (even if claimed elsewhere).

Whether they were killed while charging the enemy with a gun, by an accident, or in a hospital from influenza or gas attack, they were courageous in all cases.  Their lives, their future was snuffed out all the same.  Families and friends grieved for them.  Today, not even 100 years later, many of them are lost to history.  Sadly, no monument exists in Nashua that lists all their names.  And so for now, this story alone pays reverent homage to them.

["Over the top" doughboys emerging from trench]. Sept. 21, ca. 1918. Image. Retrieved from the Library of Congress,

[“Over the top” doughboys emerging from trench]. Sept. 21, ca. 1918. Image. Retrieved from the Library of Congress.

The Nashua Telegraph newspaper frequently printed the names of the soldiers, sailors and others who participated in ‘The World War,’ [my thanks to Den Levesque for this link] along with several honor rolls of the dead. You could say that the publication of those names was the first memorial.  In a previous story, “World War I Memorials in Nashua, New Hampshire,” I wrote about the actual memorials that have existed, past and present, in the City of Nashua. The story includes the names published at that time.  In this story I will focus instead on the service people, the men who served to the death, and a few other men and women who lived, but who were extraordinary in their dedication.

My sources for this list:

In the Wire. ca. 1918. Image. Retrieved from the Library of Congress,.

In the Wire. ca. 1918. Image of an American doughboy. Retrieved from the Library of Congress.

[A] Nashua NH WWI memorials
[B] the Adjutant-General’s official list of WWI Casualties
[C] the Honor Roll in the NH State House
[D] newspaper articles
[E] military books. Military Transport Lists, birth and death certificates, reburial documents and other military documents.

Editor’s note: I have worked untold hours and used many sources to compile this list and insure it is accurate.  If you use my information in any way, please credit me as the source.  Thank you.

Military service members who died
from any cause during WWI
compiled and researched
by Janice Webster Brown
see footnotes for source of name/details

[Last Name, First | Rank | Cause of Death, Date | Service/Division | Burial Location]

BENOIT, Aime | Private | Killed in Action, 20 July 1918 | Co D, 103rd | St. Aloysius/Old St. Louis de Gonzague |  [A][B][C][E] [2]
BOSSE, Dennis J. | Sergt. | Killed in Action, 19 July 1918 France | 103rd, 26th Div. | Old St. Louis de Gonzague | Credited to Hillsborough NH on NH Adj. General’s Casualty List | [A][B][C][E] [3]
BOULEY, Charles O. | Private | Died of Disease (influenza), 11 November 1918 Bordeaux, FranceBattery C., 302d Field Artillery | St. Patrick’s, Hudson    [A][B][C][E] [4]
BOULEY, Eli | Corp./Mechanic | Killed in Action, 21 July 1918 France | 28th Infantry, 1st Division |  Oise-Aisne American Military Cemetery | [A][B][E][Story]
BUGAIL, Julian J. | Private | Killed in Action, 20 July 1918 France | Co. D, 103rd Infantry Reg., 26th Infantry Division |Tablets of the Missing at Aisne-Marne American Cemetery | [A][C][D][E][5]
deschenes-amedee-photo-2-watermarkedBURNS, Emile T. | Private | Killed in Action 20 July 1918 Chateau Thierry France | Co. I, 103rd Inf.,  26th “Yankee Division” |  St. Aloysius/Old St. Louis de Gonzague |  [A][B][C] [E][6]
CATSAVOS, James | P1C | Drowned 7 June 1919 Le Mans, France | Co E, Demonstration Battalion, Third Corps School | Arlington National Cemetery | [6B]
CHAGNON, Eugene |  Private | Killed in Action 16 June 1918 Xivray France |Co. I, 103rd Inf., 26th Div. | St. Aloysius Cemetery | [A][B][C][E][8] [His Letter Home]
CHASE, Frank H. | Corporal | Died of Wounds 20 July 1918  | Batt. C, 7th Field Artillery | Woodlawn Cemetery, Nashua | [A][B][C][E][9]
CLARK, William H.T. | Wagoner | Died of Disease (pneumonia) 9 November 1918 France  | Bty. B, 66th C.A.C. | Woodlawn Cemetery, Nashua | [A][B][C][E][10]
gravelle-clement-picCOFFEY, James E.  | Private |  Killed in Action May 10, 1918 Verdun, France| Co. D, 103rd Inf., 26th Div.  | Saint Mihiel American Cemetery and Memorial|  [A][B][C][E] [11]
DESCHENES, Amedee | | Private | Co. I, 103rd Inf. A.E.F. | Commended for Conspicuous Gallantry in Action at Xivray, France 16 June 1918 | Wounded in Action 12 Sep 1918 at St. Mihiel | Died of Wounds 1 October 1918 | St. Francis Xavier Cemetery on 30 May 1921 |  [A][B][C][D][E] [12] [Story (by Dean Shalhoup]
DUBE, Adelard | Private | Died of Disease (pneumonia), 30 July 1918 France | 43rd Balloon CoSt. Francis Xavier, Nashua | [A][C][13]
DUBUQUE, Charles | Private | Killed in Action June 16, 1918 Xivray  | Co. I, 103rd Inf. A.E.F. | St. Mihiel American Cemetery (Tablet of Missing) | [A][C] [E] [14]
ELLIOTT, Wilkie Irwin | Captain | Died of Disease (cancer of stomach) November 14, 1918 | Military Postal Service, 103rd Infantry | Oise-Aisne American Cemetery |[A][B][C][E][15]farley-earle-d-2-watermarked
FARLEY, Earle D. | Private | Killed in Action, 20 September 1918 | Co. I., 103rd Infantry  | Woodlawn Cemetery |  [17] [A][B][E] [Story]
FENGA, Apostol A. |Private | Died of Disease (pneumonia), 27 September 1918 Camp Devens, Harvard MA | Co. H, 74th Reg. | Woodlawn, Nashua |  [18][A][B][E]
FLYNN, James B. | Corporal | Killed in Action, 15 October 1918, Sommerance, France |Co. C, 328th Inf., 82d Div. | Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery |  | [A][B][C][E] [19] [Story]
FRASER, Louis P. | Corporal |  Died of Accident, flynn-corp-james-c-watermarked22 October 1918 France | 495 Co. L, Aero Squad, A.E.F. | St. Aloysius/Old St. Louis De Gonzague  | [A][B][C][E] [20] [Story]
FRENCH, Robert A. | Captain | Died of Disease (influenza), Washington D.C.  | Military Intelligence Div., General Staff | Edgewood, Nashua  |  [A][B][C][E][21]
GAUTHIER, Albert | Private |Died 4 August 1919 at U.S. General Hospital #1, Hoboken, N.J. [death cert says Bronx NY] at Debarkation Point after 15 months service in Europe, unk cause | 309th Infantry| St. Francis Xavier Cemetery, Nashua NH | [A][B][E] [44]
GRAVELLE, Clement W. | Sergt. | Gas Poisoning, 10 May 1918| Co. D, 103rd Inf. | St. Aloysius/Old St. Louis De Gonzague  | [A][B][D][E]  [22] [Story]
boston-globe-july-21-1918-arthur-kelley-2-watermarkedHAGEMANN, Eugene C.* | Private | Died of Accident/Wounds, 16 June 1918 | Co. I, 103rd Reg., 26th Div. | Arlington National Cemetery   | See Photograph below| [A][B][C][D][E][24]
HOLLAND, William Henry | Corporal | Killed in Action 27 October 1918 | 103rd Infantry, 26th Division | Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery / Cenotaph in Hillcrest Cemetery, Litchfield NH | [B][C][52]
KELLEY, Arthur P. | Sergeant | Died of Wounds, 5 July 1918 | 103d Ambulance Company, 101st Sanitary Train, 26th Division | Saint Mihiel American Cemetery and Memorial | [E][Story] [28]
LEBLANC, Edmond | Private | Died of Wounds (Gas Poisoning), 10 May 1918 | Co. D, 103rd Infantry  | St. Francis Xavier Catholic Cemetery  | [A][B][C][D][E] [25]
LEMIRE, Arthur J. | Private | September 5, 1919, at U.S. Operating Base Hospital, Hampton Roads VA | US Navy: U.S.S. Peerless | Old Saint Louis de Gonzague Cemetery, Nashua |  [A][E] [31]
LIZOTTE, Thomas |Private  | Died of Disease (influenza), Camp Devens, Harvard MA 15 January 1919  | Co. B., 301st Engineers  | St. Francis Xavier, Nashua NH |  [A][B][E] [26]
LORICK, Edward W. | Private | Died of Disease “in Transport,” 8 Oct 1918, Chorlton, Lancashire, England | 546th Engineer Regiment | Brookwood American Cemetery |[A][E] [29]
MCLAUGHLIN, Peter A. | Private | Died of Disease (pneumonia), 11 March 1918, Base Hospital Camp Devens, Harvard, MA | 303rd Field Artillery, 76th Div. | St. Patrick’s  Cemetery, Hudson NH  | [A][B][E] [30]fraser-louis-p-b-watermarked
MESSIER, Alphonse J. | Seaman Apprentice/Hospital Apprentice, HA-2 NRF |Died of Disease (pneumonia, lobar) 9 November 1918, US Naval Hospital Chelsea MA |  United States Navy |  Old St. Louis Cemetery, Lot 195 | [A][B][E] [32]
NARTOFF, Victor J. | Corporal | Killed in Action, 23 July 1918 | 103rd Inf., 26th Div. | Aisne-Marne American Cemetery, Tablets of the Missing  |   [A][D][E] [33]
OCLAIR/AUCLAIR, Albert | Private |  Killed in Action, 20 July 1918 | 103rd Inf., 26th Div. | Aisne-Marne American Cemetery  | [C][D][E]  [34]
POMBRIO, Oliver, | Private |  Died of Disease (pneumonia), 1 September 1918 | 7 Prov Co. Repl. Bn., 3rd A.C. (non Division) | St. Aloysius Cemetery* | [A][B][C][not on D][E][37]

Though his name is misspelled, this is a photograph of David Robidoux.

Though his name is misspelled, this is a photograph of David Robidoux.

ROBIDEAUX, David |Private | Killed in Action, 17 July 1918 | Co. E, 103rd Inf., 26th Div. | [A ][B][D][E]  [38] [Story]
ROY, Ludger | Private |  Killed in Action, 31 October 1918 | 103rd Machine Gun Btn., 26th Div. | Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery | [A][B][C][D][E] [39]
RYAN, Thomas J. | Wagoner | Died of Wounds/KIA, 23 [26] September 1918 | 309th Infantry Supply Co., 78th Division | St. Patrick’s Cemetery, Hudson |  [A] [B][C][D ][E] [40]
SEMONIAN, Sarkis H. | Private | Killed in Action, 16 June 1918 | 103rd Inf., 26th Div. | St. Mihiel American Cemetery  [A][C][D][E] [41]
SMITH, Patrick J. | Private | Died in Service, Edgewood Chemical Activity [ECA], Edgewood Maryland  | Co. C., 1st Battalion, Chemical Warfare Section | St. Patrick’s Cemetery, Hudson | |   [A][E][47]
WALSH, Edward D. | Corporal | Died of Disease 22 Oct 1918 France | Co. K, 103rd Infantry | Oise-Aisne American Cemetery, France |[C][D] [53]
WHITTEMORE, Franklin H. | Private | Killed in Action, 16 June 1918 | 103rd Inf., 26th Div. | Woodlawn Cemetery, Nashua | [A][B][D][E] [42]

BARKER, Philip N.
| Sailor | Died of Disease (influenza), 29 September 1918 Nashua NH | Merchant Marine | Edgewood Cemetery | [43] 
BASSETT, Harry E. |  Private | Killed in Action, 15 October 1918| Credited to Boscawen/Penacook NH  | Woodlawn, Nashua  |   [1][E]
CLIFFORD, Edward | Killed in Action, 5 September 1918 | Royal Irish Regiment | [A][B][16]
GERVE, Christopher, | Private | Killed in Action, 8 August 1918 | Co. F, 112th Infantry | Oise-Aisne American Cemetery | Credited to Scranton PA |  [A][C] [23]
KEARNS, Fred | Corporal | Killed in Action, 16 June 1918 | Co. I, 103rd Infantry (from NH National Guard) | Credited to Plattsburgh, NY | [27] [His letter home]
LABONVILLE, Leon | Corporal | Killed in Action, 11 November 1918 | 103rd Infantry, 26th Div. | Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery | Attributed to Maine |  [B][E][50]
LACASSE, Albert | Private | Killed in Action, 1 September 1918 | 7th Battalion | Canadian Infantry | Quebec British Cemetery, Cherisy  ]  | [A][45]
McKEAN, Charles P. | Seaman, Second Class | Died of Disease, (cerebro-spinal fever) 16 April 1918, U.S. Naval Hospital, Portsmouth VA | U.S. Navy | Attributed to Massachusetts | Burial Place unknown |  [50]
PALADAS, John | Private | Severely Wounded / Killed in Action, 18 July 1918 | 9th Inf. Regt., 2nd Div. | Oise-Aisne American Cemetery | Credited to NY |  [A][C][35]
PAPANASTASION, Stratis | Private | Killed in Action, 6 Oct 1918  | 2nd Machine Gun Battalion, 1st Div.  | Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery  | Attributed to Massachusetts |  [A][B][E] [36]
 ROGERS, Harold R. | Sergt. | Died of Disease (pneumonia), 13 October 1918, Ft. Ethan Allen,  VT | Quartermaster Dept., Ft. Ethan Allen |  | Wildwood Cemetery, Wilmington MA |Attributed to Concord NH | On Concord NH memorial (Memorial Field) & Rogers Park, Wilmington MA| [A][B][E][46]
SHEA, Dennis M., M.D. | — | Died of Disease (influenza/pneumonia),  29 September 1918, Nashua, NH | Medical Reserve | St. Patrick Cemetery, Hudson | [A] [48]
WOODS, Rene |Private | Killed in Action 20 July 1918 | Co. B, 104th Infantry 26th Div. | Aisne-Arne American Cemetery | Credited to Massachusetts |[C] [51]

DIGGINS, John P. |
Sergeant | U.S. Army, Company D, 103d Infantry Regiment, 26th Division, A.E.F.| Date of Action: September 26, 1918 | Citation: The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to John P. Diggins, Sergeant, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action at Marcheville, France, September 26, 1918. Sergeant Diggins, with Private Iron Grindie, climbed out of a trench in the face of severe shrapnel and machine-gun fire, proceeded 150 yards across an open space to the aid of a wounded officer, and dressed his wounds. General Orders No. No. 142, W.D., 1918 | Home Town: Nashua, NH
HALL, CARRIE M. | Chief Nurse of WW1 Expeditionary Forces, Red Cross Chief Nurse Harvard Unit.  In addition to serving in a leadership position in Europe during WWI, she also had many other accomplishments.  She was born 5 July 1873 in Nashua NH, daughter of John K. & Caroline (Rogers) Hall. For her service during WWI, she was awarded the Royal Red Cross of King George V (First Class) by Sir Douglas Haig for “meritorious service rendered the allied cause,” an award of Medaille de Reconnaissance from the French government, and in 1929 the Medaille Florence Nightingale (an International Red Cross Award). She died in 1963 and is buried in Edgewood Cemetery, Nashua NH.   [SEE full Story]
McCORMACK, Thomas | Survivor of the Lusitania | More of his story. | The sinking of the Cunard ocean liner RMS Lusitania occurred on Friday, 7 May 1915. Mr. McCormack had been employed in Nashua, NH and was returning home to Ireland for a visit when the sinking occurred.


BURELLO, Philip R. [A]  [7]
[A] 1919-1920 Victory Arch list
[B] 1923 Nashua Telegraph Roll of Honor
[C] Book: Soldiers of the Great War, by W.M. Haulsee, F.G. Howe, A.C. Doyle, Soldiers Record Publishing Association, 1920; attributed to Nashua, N.H.
[D] United States Adjutant-General Military Records for WWI
[E] Honor Roll at the NH State House, Doric Hall (Hall of Flags)
[Story] Biography, Story and Photograph at this blog (Cow Hampshire), unless otherwise noted.
[1] Bassett: American Legion #31 Penacook (Concord) NH claims him.  On his 5 June 1917 War Registration card he listed Boscawen as birthplace and present residence. He had lived in Nashua with his father, Moses Bassett in 1914. When the War ended, his remains were returned to the USA. He is buried on Nashua soil, in Woodlawn Cemetery.
[2] Benoit: He was born in Canada about 1892, son of Joseph Pierre “Peter” & Emma (Pelletier) Benoit.  The family moved to Nashua NH about 1910 when Amie was 17. In that year Amie Benoit was working as a “heel burnisher” in a shoe factory.
[3] Bosse: He was the son of Regis J. Bosse, 149 Pearl Street, and later of 25 Ledge Street, and Myrtle Street, Nashua. His body was returned to the United States where he was reburied on 21 August 1921 in St. Aloysius Cemetery, Nashua NH. His surname is sometimes misspelled BOSSIE. Sergt. Bosse was killed in battle during the Aisne-Marne operation, July 19, 1918. He was a member of Co. H, 103rd Inft., and was a former member of the National Guard and enlisted from Keene where he was staying at the opening of the American German War.  He was survived by his parents, three brothers and two sisters. His body was returned to Nashua NH for reburial in August of 1921.
[4] Bouley, C.:  He was born 4 Jan 1896 in Nashua NH, son of Ulric H. & Elizabeth A. (Lyons) Bouley. Name sometimes misspelled BOULAY. At first buried in France, his body was returned to Nashua on 13 November 1920.  // The Boston Sunday Globe, November 14, 1920; NASHUA HONORS HER FIRST SOLDIERS DEAD. NASHUA, N.H. Nov 13–The bodies of the first two Nashua soldiers who died in France reached Nashua today and the flags of the city were at half-staff in their honor. They were private Charles O. Bouley, Battery C., 302d Field Artillery, and private Adelard Dube of the 43d Balloon Corps, who both died at the hospital at Bordeaux, France, July 15, 1918. Funeral of private Dube will be held at St. Francis Xavier Church Sunday afternoon. He was the son of Philip Dube of 15 Jefferson Street. Private Bouley was the son of Mrs. Elizabeth Bouley of 69 Marshall Street. His funeral will be held Monday at St. Patrick’s Church. Both James E. Coffey Post A.L., and Nashua Post, Veterans of Foreign Wars, will attend.
[5] Bugail: His name sometimes misspelled BUGALL.  His name shown in US Adjutant General Military Records, 1917-1919, COMPANY D, Nashua NH, 103rd Regiment. BUGAIL, JULIAN D.  He was the son of Theophile & Johanna Bugail. // Nashua Telegraph, August 5, 1918 page 3. Nashua Soldier is Killed, Telegraph Brings Announcement of Death of Pvt. Bugail. Mrs. Johanna Bugail of Scripture street received the following telegraph this morning: Mrs. Johanna Bugai, 17 Scripture St., Nashua NH: Deeply regret to inform you that Private Julian J. Bugail is officially reported killed in action July 20. McCAIN, Adjt. Gen.   Private Bugail was formerly an altar boy at St. Casimer church on Temple Street. Besides an Aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Bugail, he leaves a brother, John, of this city. // Saturday Aug 10, 1918 notice that Mayor had ordered all flags on public buildings to be half masted, in remembrance of Private Julian J. Bugail, Co. D., 103rd Infantry, A.E.F. His funeral mass will be sung at St. Casimir’s church, temple street on Sunday. (Aug 11th).
[6] Burns: He was born May 1894 son of Henry/Harry & Parmelle/Parmelie (Neveux) Burns of Nashua, NH.   July 16, 1923 Monday, Nashua Telegraph. MILITARY FUNERAL FOR PRIVATE EMILE BURNS. Large Attendance at Service in St. Aloysius Church. Military honors were paid yesterday over the remains of the last Pvt Emile Burns, whose body had arrived last week in Nashua from France, where he was among the Nashua young men who had laid down their lives in the World War. Funeral services were conducted at St. Aloysius church, under the auspices of Nashua post, Veterans of Foreign Wars. Private Burns was killed in action during the fighting about Chateau Thierry in July 1918. He was a member of Company D, 103rd infantry of the famous 26th Yankee division. He was the son of Mrs. Henry burns, 7 Pine Street. The services at the church were held at 2 pm the church being filled relatives and mourning friends. Prayers were said by Rev. J.J. Richard assisted by Rev. Andre Doncelle as deacon and Rev. D. F. Morin, sub deacon. D.F. Morin Nashua post Veterans of Foreign Wars attended in a body as did Garde Rochambeau of which he was a member before he had enlisted to serve his country in the World War. Garde Marquette and Nashua lodge, Loyal Order of Moose. Following the service in the church the funeral cortege formed under the command of Lieut. Wilfred F. Gravelle and led by Garde Rochambeau drum corps the line of march was taken to St. Aloysius cemetery where the interment was made. The salute was fired by a rifle squad from battery E, Anti-Air Craft Artillery company under Corporal Burnham. Taps were sounded by Herbert Bauley of Nashua Post VFW.
[6B] Catsavos, JamesSEE STORY HERE.
[7] Burello: Listed as Philip Burello, his birth name was Fillippo Rizzo Burrello.  He was born 11 June 1895 Tripi Messina Italy. He listed his address as 24 Franklin St. Nashua in 1917 when he enlisted, though Milford NH appears to have been his home.  He became a naturalized citizen after entering the U.S. Army.  A Telegraph newspaper story of 1919 tells a strange story of him going to France and after 3 days in battle, he was placed in a hospital, eventually being sent back to the United States.  In October of 1919 his family in Italy received a notice that he had died. Then a month later it was discovered he was alive, and at the New Hampshire State Hospital. His name had been placed on the Victory Arch Honor roll erroneously, believing at the time that he had died.
[8] Chagnon: He was born 4 Jan 1890 in Canada son of Alphonse & Adele (St. Georges) Chagnon. He enlisted on 7 July 1917, officially in service on 25 July 1917. After the war his body was returned on the United States. On April 20, 1922 he was reburied in Nashua NH.
[9] Chase: He was born 9 Sep 1893 in Nashua NH, son of Addison Knight & Maria A. (Campbell) Chase. Nashua Telegraph newspaper, Sept 23, 1918: PVT CHASE KILLED IN ACTION. Mrs. Dennis J. Nash received a telegram Saturday evening stating that her brother, Corp. Frank H. Chase, had died from wounds received in action. Corp. Chase was 24 years of age, and was the son of the late Addison K. Chase. He enlisted in the field artillery at Fort Slocum, NY, Dec 25, 1913, “just before the trouble in Mexico.” When the Mexican trouble broke out he was sent there, and stationed at Columbus, N.M. where he spent several months. He was also in Texas at the time of the flood at Galveston, and lost all his belongings, barely escaping death. Following the return of his regiment north, he was stationed at Syracuse NY and on arriving there was granted furlough of ten days in July 1917 at which time he came back to Nashua to visit relatives and friends. On the following November he received orders to leave for France. His letters to his sister were always cheerful. The last one, July 2, stated that he was at the front. When in this city, Corporal Chase made his home with his sister, Mrs. Nash, 144 East Hollis Street. He is survived by his mother of this city, one brother, George S. Chase and two sisters, Mrs. Charles Bean of Avon, Mass., and Mrs. Nash. The telegram received by Mrs. Nash is as follows: “Washington D.C., Mrs. D.J. Nash. 144 East Hollis St., Nashua NH. Deeply regret to inform you that it is officially reported that Corp. Frank H. Chase, Field Artillery, died July 20th, from wounds received in action. HARRIS. Acting Adj. Gen.
[10] Clark: He was born 16 March 1893 in Nashua NH, the son of William H. & Fannie H. (Morris) Clark. His mother m2) Percy Lintott. At the time of filling out his War Registration form he lived at 120 Bowers Street Nashua NH, occupation a driver/chauffeur at the Central Fire Station, working for the City of Nashua.
[11] Coffey: James Edward Coffey, the first soldier from Nashua to die in battle in World War I, was born on April 22, 1896, to Daniel J. and Catherine (Dillon) Coffey. [See more bio here].  The James E. Coffey, American Legion Post No. 3 is named after him.
[12] Deschenes: According to the Dean Shalhoup story of May 27, 2012 in the Nashua Telegraph: “Tragically, just three months after his heroic performance – and mere weeks before the war’s end – Deschenes was felled by one of war’s cruelest new inventions: the poison gas attack. After a four-day struggle in a nearby hospital, he succumbed Oct. 1, 1918.”  Deschenes Oval was named and dedicated in his honor. He posthumously received the Croix de Guerre.
[13] Dube: Adelarde Dube was born 27 October 1896 in Canada (from the U.S. Veteran’s Master Index).  He was the son of Phillipe and Lucy (Ouelette) Dube, and had several siblings including Hector, Albert, Diana, Ernest, Mary, Emma, and Rosanna.   In the 1900 U.S. Census a 3-year old Adelard (called Edward in the Census) was living with his family in Wilton, New Hampshire. By the 1910 U.S. Census they were all living at 15B West Pearl Street in Nashua, New Hampshire.   According to the U.S. Army Transport Service, Adelard Dube with a residence of 15 Jefferson Ave, Nashua NH, and a father named Phillip Dube, was service as a Private (Service #2438533) in the 43rd Balloon Company, Aviation Section, Signal Corps.  He departed 30 June 1918 from Newport News VA, aboard the ship “America” to Europe.  When the war ended his remains were returned to the U.S. Remains returned on the ship “Pocohontas,” that sailed 25 Sep 1920 from Antwerp Belgium arriving on 18 Oct 1920 at Hoboken, New Jersey.  Private Adelard Dube was reburied in St. Francis Xavier cemetery on 14 November 1920. A military funeral was held in Nashua with all the local military groups participating.// Monday November 15, 1920: The funeral of Pvt. Adelard Dube, who died in France, July 15, 1918, was held in St. Francois Xavier Church, yesterday afternoon at 2 o’clock. There was a large attendance of relatives, friends and sympathetic citizens gathered to pay their respects to the memory of one who died overseas for his country. The funeral services were read by Rev. F.G. Deshaies. There were delegates in uniform present from the James E. Coffey Post, American Legion, Nashua Post, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and Club Nationale, headed by Col. William E. Sulivan, Lieut. Alfred E. Gravelle and Capt. Charles Dionne, respectively. Interment was in the family lot in St. Francois Xavier cemetery where the body was laid with full military honors. The customary volleys were fired above the grave by an American Legion firing squad, in command of Sergt. Charles A. Savage consisting of Corp. Leon Sirois, Pvts. Alfred Lemire, Frank Landry, Edwin Bernard, W. Dumbois, Oscar Phaneuf, and Olaf Christian. // There is an Amey J. Duby on the State House plaque that may be his. The is NO Dube in the Adjutant General’s records for NH casualties.
[14] Dubuque:  He was born Joseph Charles Dubuque on Oct 28, 1892 Nashua NH per his War Registration Card. His name is listed on “Tablets of the Missing” at the cemetery in France, which means that his body able to be identified. June 28, 1918 Nashua Telegraph: The telegraph received by Mrs. Dubuque said: “Mrs. Mary Dubuque. Deeply regret to inform you that Private Charles Dubuque is officially reported as killed in action, June sixteenth. McCAIN, the Adjutant General.  Pvt. Charles Dubuque was 26 years of age, was born in Nashua. He attend the St. Aloysius school and college in Canada.  At the time of his enlistment in Co. I of the First New Hampshire, he was an employee of the Jackson Mfg. Co.  Private Dubuque leaves a mother, Mrs. Mary Dubuque; a brother, Napoleon four sisters, Mrs. John Lyons, Mrs. Helen Cardin and Miss Rose Dubuque of Nashua, and another sister, a resident of Lynn, Mass.
[15] Elliott: December 2, 1918 Nashua Telegraph. Captain Wilkie I. Elliott commanding officer of Co. I., NH National Guard, at the time that company was ordered merged with a Maine regiment to make up the present 103rd Infantry and well known as a letter carrier in this city is dead in France. The following telegraph was received by Mrs. Elliott Sunday morning. ‘Deeply regret to inform you that Capt W I Elliot Military Postal Service, is officially reported dead of cancer of the stomach Nov 14th. Harris the Adjt. Gen. Captain Elliott was born in Nashville Tenn Jan 22, 1868. His parents removed to Nashua in his early childhood and he attended the public schools, leaving High School to enter the employ of Estabrook Anderson Shoe Co. …… Capt. Elliott was married to Miss Leah M. Butler May 28, 1900 who with his father survives him  [the original newspaper article is longer, this is an excerpt].
[16] Clifford: He was born 15 June 1889, son of Cornelius & Margaret (Mullen) Clifford. He was the first Nashua man to enter the world war, in the British service since 1914. “He was put out of action previously by gas poisoning. He was in the battle of the Somme, and the Battle of Ypres among others.” On March 28, 1918 he lay wounded in an English hospital, per a letter he wrote to his uncle, Michael Mullen.  On Dec 2, 1918 a Mass was celebrated at St. Patrick’s Church in Nashua, NH
[17] Farley:  Earle Dexter Farley, b. 1 Jan 1896 Nashua NH, son of Charles J. & Ella F. (Pierce) Farley.
[18] Fenga: On July 25, 1918 Apostol Fenga was on the list of men who had enlisted and were among the Nashua quota taking the train that day to Camp Devens. They each received a Red Cross Kit. His brother, John A. Fenga,  was also in the group but he survived the War.  Apostol Athanase Fenga, b. 1 Sep 1891 in Hodela, Macedonia, Greece. In 1920 Apostol’s brother John returns home for a month to see their mother.
[19] Flynn: Newspapers and some sources state his rank as Private.  His grave site in the American Cemetery in France shows Corporal, and the official history of the 328th states: “James B. Flynn, Nashua, N.H. Joined Company November 1917. Appointed Private 1st Class April 1, 1918. Appointed Corporal April 24, 1918. Killed October 14, 1918, in action near Sommerance.”
[20] Fraser: Sometimes lists as Private, but official notification shows rank of Corporal. A 1918 newspaper report states: Corporal Fraser enlisted in the aviation corps a year ago and was immediately sent to the training grounds at Kelley field.  Last March he was sent to France with the American Expeditionary Forces.  He was born in Nashua, educated in the public school.  Mr. and Mrs. Fraser have two other sons in the army, one connected with aviation corps and the other stations at Camp Devens.  His first name is written “Lewis” rather than “Louis” on his death record.
[21] French: He was the son of George Barstow & Sarah F. (Burnham) French, born 15 September 1882 in Nashua, NH. Obituary in Nashua Telegraph December 19, 1918:Capt Robert Allen French of the military intelligence division of the general staff died at 2 o’clock this morning at Emergency Hospital, of pneumonia following influenza. His mother and father arrived in Washington lats night and will return home with the body to the family home in Nashua NH. There will be a military funeral there. Captain French who was 35 years old was commissioned last July and took up his duties here. Officers declared that his application to duty undermined his health, and that he fell easy prey to influenza. A younger brother, Sergt. George French who enlisted and fought through the war, and was gassed, returned to America last week. Capt. French was a graduate of Dartmouth College and of the Harvard Law School.
[22] Gravelle: Sergeant Gravelle was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gravelle and was a native of Nashua. He was 32 years of age and had been in military work for a number of years as a member of old Company D. He served through the Mexican trouble with this company of the New Hampshire regiment and won his way from a private to sergeant during that trick of duty. He came from a family of soldiers, as he had three more brothers that have seen service, two of them are now in the government service: Lieut. Fred Gravelle of the 103rd of which the deceased was a member; Henry Gravelle, who has been in a Washington D.C. hospital since the Spanish-American war, in which he took part and Jeremiah Gravelle of Perryville MD who is working for the government. Two other brothers, Horace and John B. Gravelle of this city, also two sisters also of Nashua, Mrs. Gaudette and Mrs. Adelphe Dupont. From the information at hand it would seem that Sergeant Gravelle was killed in the May 10 action. Nashua Telegraph May 16, 1918.
[23] Gerve/Garvey: “Christopher Garvey, whose name appears in this morning’s casualty list as Christopher Gerve, was killed in Action August 8, was a son of Mrs. Elizabeth Garvey, 49 Factory St, in this city. He was born in Russia and had been a resident of Scranton, Pa a number of years. He enlisted from that city July 26, 1917 and was a member of Company F., 112th Infantry. Word came to his relatives three weeks ago in his own handwriting that he had been wounded and at the time of writing was in a busy hospital. Evidently he had recovered and was killed in action soon after a return to duty at the front.” He is credited to Scranton PA, although the book, “Soldiers of the Great War,” credits him to Nashua NH with the surname GERVE.
[24] Hagemann: June 23, 1921 Nashua Telegraph: EUGENE C. HAGEMANN. The body of Eugene C. Hagemann, who was killed overseas during the World War, was interred today at Arlington National cemetery, Arlington VA. Private Hagemann was a Nashua boy and enlisted and served with Co. I, 103rd, 26th Division, the famous Yankee division. He was also on the border with Mexico and served with distinction as a soldier of the USA. His only living relative is a brother, William Hagemann of this city.
[25] LeBlanc:  His death cert. state buried “Pine Hill, Nashua” aka St. Louis de Gonzague, however there were 2 burials that day, one in St. Louis.  The funeral notice in the newspaper states burial was in St. Francis Xavier Cemetery, and that was where his funeral was held from.
[26] Lizotte: Thomas. Sometimes misspelled as Leazott.  Leazott is the name on his War Registration Card, however his official death record shows Lizotte. He was the son of Reme/Remi & Delvinia (Levesque) Lizotte.  Thomas was born May 22, 1894, St. Pacome, Canada. The family immigrated to Nashua in 1895 (per 1910 census). He had siblings Mary, David, Telesphore, Mary D., Lea, Victoria, Remy and Laura.
[27] Kearns: He is not included on the first two official lists of Nashua dead, however the Nashua Telegraph of 1918 listed him as from Nashua.  In 1917 He filled out a WWI Registration Card showing him single, his residence as 19 Park Street in Nashua, so he did at least in that year live in the city.  He WAS a member of the New Hampshire National Guard, which became the 103rd Infantry. A New York State military card for him shows the following: Fred Kearns /  Residence: Plattsburg NY /  Enlisted National Guard at Nashua NH / Pvt June 20 1916, Corp March 31, 1918 / Engagements: Soissons: Apremont Xinay / Served overseas Sept 27 1917 to June 16 1918 / Killed in Action June 16, 1918 /Person notifed, father: Walter Kearns, 42 Charles Street. Plattsburg NY / Co I 1st NH NG to Co. I 103 Inf.   // June 28, 1918 Nashua Telegraph. Three more men of the old Foster Rifles Company I., First NH Infantry now of the 103rd American Expeditionary Forces, were killed in action on July 16 at Xivray, according to indications contained in war department dispatches, received by relatives in this city last night. One of the men is listed in today’s list of casualties made public in Washington. The men are Corp. Fred Kearns, Pvt. Sarkis H. Sermonian (Factory St), Pvt. Charles Dubuque (Worcester St.).
– CORP FRED KEARNS, aged 24, a native of Ludlow Mass, is reported killed in action according to word received by his wife, Mrs. Bessie Kearns, 3 Foster court, from a brother of corporal who resided in Ludlow. Corporal Kearns was a member of Co. I of the old New Hampshire First, and located in Nashua on his return from the border in 1917. He married Miss Bessie Hamlin at Westfield last August. He is survived by two brothers, one of Ludlow and the other of Plattsburg NY and an infant daughter besides his wife.  [Editor’s note: I could not verify the wife and child].
[28] Kelley: For some inexplicable reason, Rev. Kelley is left off  the [A][B][C] lists, but was announced at the time of his death with both local and other newspapers attributing him to Nashua.  Several stories mention he entered service in Massachusetts, yet I cannot find any MA military records that claim him.  Both the American Battle Monuments site and The Roll of Honor in the Hall of Flags, New Hampshire State House credits him as belonging to New Hampshire, so he should be on Nashua’s list too.  Though he was initially listed as ‘Killed in Action,’ there is much evidence that he died in a field hospital of wounds inflicted on the battlefield, and so I have noted that accordingly [see STORY].   A July 21, 1918 obituary: Nashua, N.H., July 20–Rev. Arthur P. Kelley, son of Andrew Kelley of 39 Gillis st. was killed in action at Hemplegio- July 5, according to a telegraph from the War Department, made public by his father today. He was born in this city 39 years ago, attended the High School two years and the St. Stevens Preparatory School and College at Annandale-on-the-Hudson. He was graduated from Trinity College in 1901 and the General Theological Seminar in New York, being ordained a deacon of the Episcopal Church at the Church of the Good Shepard in this city in 1904. Most of his professional life was devoted to teaching at Racine College and the Hallock School for Boys. He went to Nebraska for his health and was there when the trouble with Mexico became acute. Coming to Boston he listed in the 2d Massachusetts Field Ambulance Company and went South as clerk of Capt Dudley. He was promoted to top sergeant. He went abroad with the command which became afterward the 103d Ambulance Company, a part of the 101st Sanitary Train. He is survived by his parents, a brother, Andrew P. of Trenton, N.J., a sister, Mrs. Alfred C. Hendrick of Nashua, and a brother, Hector W. of Philadelphia.
[29] Lorick:  Edward W. Lorick was included in the first Victory Arch name list, but did not appear on ensuing ones.  He is mentioned once in the Nashua Telegraph newspaper: “Oct. 8 — Pvt. Edward Lorick (colored), Medical Dept., A.E.F.”   Edward W. Lorick IS included on the Honor Roll at the NH State House.  Edward William Lorick was born January 10, 1894 in Columbia, South Carolina (according to his War Registration form filled out in Nashua NH in 1917). At that time his occupation was butler to Charles E. Smith, a merchant of that city.  The City Directory shows he was a butler for Mr. Smith at least from 1912-1927.  His death records show that he entered service from Nashua NH and was part of the 546th Engineer Regiment. It appears that he died on 8 October 1918 in transport (on his way to) his destination in France.  Indeed the history of the 546th Engineer Regiment explains: “Men mustered into service at Camp Devens August 1918, transferred to Camp Humphreys, Virginia August 26, 1918. Formed into Engineer Batallion. Batallion left Humphreys September 18th, reached Camp Merritt 19th, 1918. Co.s A, B and C left Merritt 9:30 AM September 20th. Co. D detained on account of illness. Sailed morning of the 25th of Septemer, on H.M.S. Scotian for Liverpool, England.Co. D. caught up and shipped in same convoy. Arrived in Liverpool October 7th at 1:30 PM. Entrained for Southampton, reached there about midnight. Co. D reached Southampton October 8th. [continues on with details after that, describing training etc.] From: Historical sketch of 546th engineers for Dr. W. E. B. Du Bois of New York City, ca. 1919. W. E. B. Du Bois Papers (MS 312). Special Collections and University Archives, University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries. // [Editor’s note, Larick is not the correct spelling as earlier shown]. November 26, 1918. PVT. LARICK BURIED WITH FULL HONORS
Nashua’s Only Colored Draftee Victim of Pneumonia. Word has been received by Charles E. Smith from Red Cross headquarters at Washington announcing the death of Edward Larick, colored, of pneumonia, while en route to France. Private Larick was employed at Mr. Smith’s home, both in Nashua and Jacksonville, Fla, for about 10 years. Last September he entered the service. He was sent to Camp Devens and later transferred to the Medical department of another camp. He was 23 years of age. Private Larick was the only colored draftee from Nashua. He was a particularly likeable fellow and had many friends in this city and Jacksonville.  Mr. Smith received two letters, one from London and one from Washington. The letters follow: American Red Cross, London Chapter, Sunday Oct. 20th. Dear Charles: I have to write you the sad news of your friend Edward Larick’s death in hospital here on Oct 8. He contracted pneumonia on the voyage over and with many other white and colored troops he was brought from the boat to this city. Every care and attention was given him to no avail. You will be glad to know he is buried by the side of two of our U.S. soldiers and he had a military funeral and our flag on his coffin, a wreath of flowers from our Red Cross Society, and carried on the shoulders of eight American soldiers. A full band marched to the grave, a salute was fired over him and the last taps sounded. May his soul rest in peace, and you be proud of a friend, who gave his life, in doing his duty. We will look after his grave and sympathize with you in the loss of your friend, yours sincerely, Mrs. A.M. Randolph. P.S. As I come from Virginia I feel very close to the colored people and chose to be the mourner to follow Larick’s coffin from the church to the grave. // [A 2nd brief letter from American Red Cross in Washington included in original post, not shown here.]
[30] McLaughlin: March 14, 1918, Nashua Telegraph– Peter A. McLaughlin. With due military honors, in his casket draped with the Stars and Stripes, for which he died as truly as if in the trenches of France, escorted by the brethren of his fraternal organizations and L Company of the State Guard, the mortal remains of Peter A. McLaughlin were taken to St. Patrick’s Church, where the solemn and beautiful requiem mass was celebrated by the pastor ….The body was then taken to the Catholic Cemetery in Hudson, where taps were sounded over the grave ….Twenty carriages with relatives and friends of the deceased completed the procession. Peter A. McLaughlin was an altar boy at St. Patrick’s church, an usher, member of the choir and graduate of Sacred Heart School. Three Nashua soldiers from Camp Devens followed the hearse and others from the same place gathered at grave side in Hudson as taps were played. [Many of the local organizations, both military and social were involved in this funeral]. He was the son of Daniel & Mary (Whalen) McLaughlin,  born 29 Dec 1895.
[31] Lemire: Nashua Telegraph newspaper, 9 October 1919: Lemire Dies. Was Result of Accident. Nashua Boy and Served in Navy for Two Years. By a telegram received from the United States Operating Base Hospital at Hampton Roads, Va., yesterday, Mrs. Melina Lemire, 4 Belknap street, learned the sad news of the death of her son, Arthur Lemire, a first class baker in the United States navy on Sunday, September 7th, at 5 pm.  According to the telegram death resulted from a broken skull sustained by falling through a hatch-way on board the U.S.S. Pearless, upon which Lemire was stationed. He had been in the naval service about two years.  Arthur Lemire was born at Hooksett NH 28 years ago. He is survived, besides his mother, by two brothers, Alphonse and William of the city, and four sisters, Mrs. Fred Cote of Haverhill MA, and Mrs. John Belcourt, Mrs. Philip Moreau and Miss Jennie Lemire, of Nashua.
[32] Messier: Joseph Alphonse Messier was born on 27 February 1894 in Nashua, NH, son and 9th child of Adelard T. & Georgiana (Dumais) Messier.   The local newspapers states that the “funeral of Alphonse J. Messier of the Naval service at the Harvard Radio school was held at 8 o’clock this morning in St. Louis de Gonzague church before a large attendance of mourning relatives and friends, many coming from out of town …..burial was in the family lot in Aloysius cemetery…” Flags were flown at half mast in the City of Nashua for two hours during his military funeral.
[33] Nartoff: He was born Victor Nordoff, 8 August 1899 in Nashua NH to Michael and Alexandra (Uravich/Jurevitch) Nordof. He had several siblings. His parents moved to Hollis, NH when he was young, however in 1917 Victor was living in Nashua, NH, and he enlisted from that city.  Though Hollis claims him and there is a memorial stone on their common, the Adjutant General’s Office of New Hampshire attributes him to Nashua, NH therefore he should be on that official list.  Victor Nartoff’s body was never found, but was considered ‘killed in action.’ From Aug 7, 1918 Newspaper. FIRST GOLD STAR IN HOLLIS. Corp. Victor J. Nartoff was born in Nashua about 24 years ago. He spent most of his life in Hollis and was educated in the Hollis schools. He saw service on the Mexican border as a member of the National Guard of New Hampshire, and enlisted from Nashua in 1917. He was the son of Michael and Alexandra Nartoff/Nordoff of Hollis and is survived by four younger brothers and sisters, besides his parents. His blue star on the Hollis service flag is the first to be replaced by a gold one.
[34] Oclair: Albert Oclair was born 28, 1895 at St. Cesaire, Rouville Region, Quebec, Canada, the son of Denis and Clara Oclair.  They had immigrated as a family in 1902.  Albert was the eldest son. In 1910 family living on Belknap Street, he was 15, laborer in a shoe shop.In 1917 he was living at 89-1/2 Palm Street, single, a laborer working for Dennis Cone, masonry and construction.  He lists himself as an alien at that time.  He was killed in action, and buried at Belleau, France [details and link to grave above].  By 1920 his parents, listed with surname AUCLAIR, had returned to Canada, living at Montreal (Westmount-St Henri).
[35] Paladas: His official NY State Military Card shows: “Paladas, John Serial #39,328, Residence 295-W 39th St., NY NY. Enlisted at Ft. Slocm NY on 17 July 1917. Born Sparta Greece. In Co. F, 9th NY Infantry to death. Private. Engagements: Vaux, Chateau Thierry, 2nd Marne; Served overseas from 7 Sep 1918 to death. Killed in action 18 July 1918, severely wounded 8 June 1918. NOK: uncle Louis Kaurounes, 12-1/2 Vine St., Nashua NH.”   There seemed to be some confusion in the family about his death. The June 24, 1918 Nashua Telegraph: Private Paladas is well known in the Greek speaking community of the city, where he has many relatives. His immediate family, however, consisting of his father, mother, four brothers, and a sister, live in Arcadia, Greece.  Private Paladas was employed as a spinner at Mill No. 4 of the Nashua Manufacturing Co for several years previous to his enlistment last August in Company 7 of the Ninth regiment in New York.
[36] Papanastasion:  His official records attribute him to Massachusetts. Although not listed on the current Adjutant-General list of NH veterans, his name does appear on the WWI memorial in the NH State House.  Tuesday, Nov 26, 1918 Nashua Telegraph–Pvt Stratis Papanastasion, of the Machine Gun Battalion, was killed in action in France, Oct 6, according to an official telegram received this morning from Adjutant General Harris to the brother of the soldier George Papanastasion. Private Papanastasion enlisted from this city shortly after the entrance of the United States into the conflict, going from this city to New York, where he entered the artillery. Later he transferred to the machine gun section and saw a great amount of service. He came to this country from Greece seven years ago, was well known and popular among the Greek speaking residents and during the years of his residence here was employed in the carding department at the Nashua mills of the Nashua Manufacturing company. He was 26 years of age. Besides his brother, he has a cousin here Zesis Boufronikos.
[37] Pombrio: He was the son of Maxime H. & Exeline (Monty) Pontbriand aka Pombrio, born b 12 October 1892 Nashua NH. In 1917 when he filled out his Registration Card, he was single, working as a Clerk at City Coal Co., Nashua. Though one unofficial source states he died of wounds, his death certificate says he died from pneumonia, and is buried in St. Aloysius Cemetery.
[38] Robidoux: David Robidoux was born 31 August 1893 at Saint-Francois-du-Lac, Quebec, Canada, son of Arthur/Hercule Robidoux & Obeline/Ombeline  Forcier. [See photograph and story about him here.]
[39] Roy: Called LUDGER Roy on Victory Arch, the 1st WWI memorial (wooden) in Nashua NH, and on the Honor Roll plaque in the NH State House.  Called ROGER Roy in Adjutant-General current list.  Called LOUGER Roy in one newspaper.  Called LOGEY Roy on his tombstone in Meuse-Argonne Memorial Cemetery, France.  [I go with Ludger].
[40] Ryan: He was b. 10 May 1892 in Nashua NH son of Michael H. & Mary (Reilly) Ryan. From the newspapers–Monday, May 12, 1919. HEAR NEWS OF DEATH OF NASHUA SOLDIER. Wagon Ryan Wounded Last Sept. Dead in Hospital. Wagoner Thomas J. Ryan is dead in France. Notice has been received from the War Department by his sisters of the death of Thomas J. Ryan, 78 Tolles street, this city who was severely wounded Sept 23 in France. His family has been much worried about him since they received [that] word…. The Red Cross, Y.M.C.A. and all sources of army information had been called into service to try to get some word from him, but to no avail until a cablegram telling them of his death, was received in Washington Saturday. He was the son of the late Michael H. Ryan who was engaged for many years in the jobbing and trucking business in this city, and Mary A. Ryan. He is survived by three sisters, Annie T., Agnes M. and Elizabeth M. and one brother, Henry C. Ryan all of this city. Thomas J. Ryan was born in Nashua, a graduate of the Sacred Heart School and Nashua Business College. He was employed as shipping clerk for the Maine Manufacturing Co. for three years, resigning to accept a similar position with the John B. Varrick Co. of Manchester. Jan 1, 1918 he entered the employ of the General Electric company of Lynn, Mass, and was in the employ of this company when he left for Camp Dix, April 26. He was a young man of unusual ability and rose rapidly where ever employed. Beloved to everyone who knew him, he will be greatly missed by his friends and mourned by his sisters and brother, with whom he made his home. He was a member of Division 2, A.O.H., A solemn high mass will be celebrated in the near future. //June 22, 1921. FUNERAL – Thomas J. Ryan.
The funeral of Wagoner Thomas J. Ryan, another of Nashua’s soldier heroes of the World War, who died in service in France, whose body was returned to his native city yesterday, was held at 10 o’clock this morning from St. Patrick Church. The services were conducted under direction of James E. Coffey post, American Legion. High Mass of Requiem was celebrated by Rev. H.E. Cahalane..Taps were played at the graveside in St. Patrick Cemetery, Hudson….
[41] Semonian: June 28, 1918, The telegraph received last night by M. Bakain, Factory Street said: Deeply regret to inform you that PVT SARKIS H. SEMONIAN is officially reported Killed in action, June 16. McCain, the Adjutant General. Private Semonian was a step brother of Mr. Bakain. He was born 26 years ago in Armenia Turkey, where he had according to last reports from that country, mother and step-father living. He had been a resident of Nashua for seven years, and an employee of the Nashua Manufacturing Company I, First N.H. Infantry, when it went to service on the Mexican border. He continued in the militia, upon discharge from Federal service on the return from border duty, and went to Concord and Westfield camps, with his company. He was a young man who had a wide circle of friends, and old militia men say he was a good soldier.  // November 9, 1925 Nashua Telegraph. Armistice Day. Rev. Mr. Barber’s Sermon at Pilgrim Church…. Sarkis Semonian came from a different environment, born in Armenia in 1892. At the age of two or three he received from Turkish soldiers that scar which he bore to his dying day. For seven years he lived in Nashua, then went to the Mexican border and on to France. On June 16, 1918, in the trench the shrapnel burst and he with several comrades, passed on and vanished into light.
[42] Whittemore: Newspaper clipping, Nashua Telegraph-Private Whittemore is a Nashua High boy who left school to enlist and go to the Mexican Border with the First N.H. He was a member of the miitia and made a record in Texas. He was transferred to the 103d inf while in the Westfield camp. At the High School he was popuar and prominent in athletics. // September 30, 1918.  Nashua Hero Gives his Life for Liberty. The following letter was received by Mrs. Whittemore relating how her son died in action of June 16 Headquarters Co. F., 103rd U.S. Infantry, Sept 7, 1918. Dear Mrs. Whittemore. I will gladly send you all the particulars I can concerning your son’s death. Company F was holding the front line during a German attack on Xivary on June 16. Preceding the attack the German shelled our position heavily and a shell fragment wounded your son sightly in the ankle, and as he was binding it another shell struck directly behind him. A portion of the shell entered the back of his head after smashing his steel helmet. He was rendered unconscious immediately and stayed so until his death four days later. He was at this post in the front line trench doing his duty as a soldier should and as he had always done. He was one of the most willing and courageous men in the Company and his death was a true loss to the Regiment and to his Company Commanders. I am Very Truly Yours 1LT HUNTINGTON W. FROTHINGHAM, 103rd Infantry, Commanding.
[43] BARKER:  Philip N. Barker was born 27 June 1900 Nashua NH to Allen L. & Carrie B. (Richardson) Barker. // Nov 30, 1918, Boston Globe:  Another death today from influenza was that of Philip M. Barker of the merchant marine, assigned to the Governor Dingley. He came home on leave last Monday and had a relapse Friday. He enlisted August 17. He would have been a member of the senior class in the high school this year. // Oct 1, 1918. Nashua Telegraph. PHILIP N. BARKER. The funeral of the late Philip N. Barker was held this afternoon from the residence of his parents 8 Merrimack Street, attended by a host of friends and relatives. There was a beautiful floral display. Rev. J Bruce Gilman officiated and the interment was in the family lot at Edgewood. The bearers were the following brother members of the Merchant Marine service: Fred Campbell, Harold Wood, William Swain, and Norman Rogers. Lester P. Land was the funeral director.
[44] Gauthier:  Baptismal certificate in 1889 at St-Theodore-d’Acton says son of Noel & Julie (Bourbeau) Gauthier. Called Arthur on one list, but mostly Alfred. Not listed in Adjutant-General list but IS on New Hampshire Honor Roll in State House, and was also listed on local lists. // His WWI Registration Form: Albert Joseph Gauthier, 32 Bridge Nashua NH, born April 20 1889, Alien, Canada, laborer, Alberts Wood & Co,, Nashua, Single, Signed on June 5, 1917 // Aug 7, 1919 The Telegraph.  Pvt Albert Gauthier, a soldier in the American Expeditionary Forces in France for 15 months died at the debarkation point of Hoboken NJ at the age of 30 years. The remains arrived in this city at 4 o’clock this morning and may be viewed at his late home 3 Van Buren Street. Private Gauthier is survived by his mother Mrs. Julie Gauthier of this City, three brothers, Isidore and A— of Holyoke Mass and Saul of Montreal PQ and three sisters, Mrs. ALexina Lafont of Holyoke, Mrs. Joseph Cardin of this City, and Miss Rodolophine Gauthier of Holyoke. The deceased was a member of Court Pothier, Associate Canado AMericaine and Court Nashua, Artisans Francais Canadiens. // August 5, 1919. Mayor Crowley has ordered all flags on public buildings to be half masted on Thursday morning between the hours of eight and ten o’clock in remembrance of Priv. Albert Gauthier, 309th Inf., U.S. General Hospital, No. 1. It is requested that all flags be thus displayed. The funeral mass of Priv. Albert Gauthier will be sung at the Church of St. Francis Xavier, Chandler Street on Thursday morning at 8:30. // The 309th as well as the 78th Division served with the American Expeditionary Forces in France from September 10, 1918 until the end of May 1918. The regiment was in three decisive battles in France. They were St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne, and Lorraine. The winning of these battles helped bring the Germans to the Armistice Table on November 11, 1918. Five months after the end of World War I, the 309th Regiment along with the other elements of the 78th Division returned to New York. The last elements arriving on June 10, 1919.   Death records of the time show: Name: Albert Gauthier / Gender: Male / Birth Date: abt 1889 / Death Date: 4 Aug 1919 / Death Place: Bronx, NY, US / Death Age: 30 /
FHL Film Number: 2184467.
[45] Lacasse:  Albert Lacasse was born 29 March 1891 in La Patrie, Quebec, Canada, son of Joseph and Catherine/Kate (Kelley) Lacasse. In 1900 and 1910 Albert can be found in Nashua NH living with his family, and where he attended school.  // Canadian Death Cards, page 73, #527120 Private LACASSE Albert 7th, Battalion, Died 1-9-18 [1 September 1918] Roman Catholic, “Killed in Action”. On the night of September 1, 1918, he advanced with his battalion to the left of Upton Wood in a support of the front line battalion and while out with a patrol a shell burst near the party killing Private Lacasse. // Sept 17, 1918. Mrs. Catherine Lacasse, 12 Nagle Street, received a telegram this morning from the Canadian war office in Ottawa, announcing the death in action on the Soissons front of her son, Albert Lacasse. Private Lacasse enlisted in the Seventh Canadian battalion nearly 18 months ago, during which time he has taken part in various heroic engagements. He was 26 years of age and a well known Nashua young man. He was a shoe worker. Aside from his mother he leaves a brother in service, another broth of Pittsfield, Mass, who is about to enter the aviation service, and a sister Miss Agnes Lacasse. He was a communicant at St. Aloysius church and had a host of friends. // November 26, 1918, Mayor Crowley orders flags to be half masted for funeral of Private Albert LaCasse, Canadian Forces. St. Patrick Church, Spring St., Wed (Nov 27).
[46] Rogers: Oct 14, 1918, Nashua Telegraph–SGT. HAROLD R. ROGERS. Sgt Harold Raymond Rogers died early Sunday morning at Fort Ethan Allen, Burlington VT from the effects of influenza. He was born in Lexington Mass, Oct 13, 1889, passing away on his 29th birthday. His wife, Mrs. Yvonne Rogers and his father William A. Rogers were with him at the end and his mother was on the way but did not reach the Fort in time to see him alive. He had been a resident of Nashua about three years coming here from Concord and was the proprietor of Rogers’ Restaurant on East Hollis Street. He entered the militia at Concord when only 16 years of age and had been continuously in the service since, a period of 11 years. He saw service on the Mexican border and at the time of his death he had been in charge of all the commissary supplies at the Fort for over a year. He was a member of the Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythias, joining these fraternities at Concord and was a 32d degree Mason having taken all 32 degrees at Burlington VT, since being stationed at the Fort. He is survived by his widow, one son Raymond A. Rogers, and by his father and mother Mr. & Mrs. William A. Rogers, all of Nashua. // June 7, 1922, Nashua Telegraph–The Telegraph has been asked to publish the following account of the memorial service , honoring Sgt H.R. Rogers, formerly proprietor of the restaurant on East Hollis Street [Nashua], at Wilmington, Mass. The central feature of the town’s observance of Memorial Day was the presentation, acceptance and dedication of Rogers park as a memorial to a World War veterans, Sergt. Harold R. Rogers whose body is buried in Wildwood cemetery [Wilmington MA]. The plot of ground, which now bears the name of the young soldier, is located at the intersection of of Middlesex Avenue and Glen Road. The idea of devoting it to its present use originated with the members of the Wilmington Post, A.L. At its expense the triangular plot was graded and beautified with shrubbery, and a substantial shaft bearing the designation “Rogers Park” was placed in the center. The day’s program included an assembly at the common at 10 a.m. followed by exercises at the soldier’s monument and decoration of graves with an address at Regan park by Rev. W.F. Preston. The dedicatory exercises at Rogers park began at 11:30 a.m. Rev. James Merrill offered prayer and the band rendered “America.” An address by Rev Benjamin F. Schwartz followed. Then Raymond Rogers, son of Sergeant Rogers placed a wreath upon the memorial. W. Dayton of the board of selectmen accepted the park and memorial in behalf of the town. A salute by a squad of Legion comrades and … were followed by “The Star Spangled Banner.” At noon Ex-Mayor William H Henchey of Woburn made a short address in the Grange Hall on Wildwood Street. Sergent Rogers who died of pneumonia at Fort Ethan Allen on the 29th anniversary of his birthday, was born in Lexington Oct 13, 1889, son of William A. Rogers a conductor on the Boston & Maine Railroad for nearly 40 years and Myra E. (Currier) Rogers. He was educated at Concord High school and Tilton Academy. He served seven years in the New Hampshire National Guard and was one of the medal sharpshooters in that state. He was a member of Mexican expedition into Mexico. He enlisted for the World War June 7, 1917. He was assigned to the Quartermaster department at Fort Ethan Allen. Among those present at the memorial service were Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Rogers, parents of Sergeant Rogers, and his widow. His mother and widow were presented with gold star pins. Sergeant Rogers had a host of friends among the traveling public. His parents reside on Crown street at the corner of Arlington, Nashua.
[47] Smith:  Patrick Smith b 18 June 1890 Nashua NH, 2nd child and son of Thomas & Ann (Gillooley) Smith.  // WWI Registration Patrick Joseph Smith, b 15 June 1890 Nashua NH [Note date different than birth record]. Patrick Joseph Smith 26, 84-1/2 Elm Street Nashua NH, Born June 15, 1890 Nashua NH, Laborer on Road, employed by John Joyce of Woodstock VT, single. // June 1, 1918 Telegraph notices of list of “boys” leaving for Ft. Slocum. It was noted all were present “with the exception of Patrick J. Smith, who is in a lumber camp, and the board was not sure that he received his notice.” // March 7, 1919 Telegraph notice: Mayor Crowley ordered all flags in public buildings to be half masted (etc) in remembrance of PRIV PATRICK J. SMITH, Co. C., 1st Batt. Chemical Warfare Section. It is requested that all flags be thus displayed. The funeral mass of Priv. Patrick J. Smith will be sung at the Church of St. Patrick, Spring street, on Saturday morning at nine o’clock. // March 8, 1919. PATRICK J. SMITH. Funeral services were held for the late Patrick J. Smith at 9 o’clock at St. Patrick’s church, a High Mass of Requiem being celebrated by Rev. Matthew Creamer. There were many friends and relatives present and a beautiful display of flowers. The bearers were Corp. Fred S. Sabin, Pvts Fred Goddard, Pvt Joseph P. Clough and Sgt, Walter R. Hills of the State Guard. Interment was in the Hudson Catholic cemetery. O’Shea & Gaffney were the undertakers. // Note: Death Date: 3 Mar 1919. Death Place: Edgewood, Maryland. interred: March 8, 1919 Catholic Cemetery, Hudson. Cause of Death: Acute Alcoholism (?) . [Editor’s Note: I highly doubt that this young man died of acute alcoholism.  The work that he did at the Edgewood Chemical Activity was probably classified, and he was working with highly toxic chemicals.  A notation on his find-a-grave listing shows his sister stated he died from chemical poisoning, while having some tested on him, which I believe was the situation.]
[48] Shea:  Dennis Miner Shea, b. 1 June 1875 Nashua NH, son of John & Margaret (O’Neil) Shea.  // September 30, 1918. DR. SHEA VICTIM OF INFLUENZA. Nashua Physician Had Overdone During Epidemic. Dr. Dennis M. Shea died at his residence on Main Street at eight o’clock Sunday evening from an attack of influenza after a short illness. He was the son of John B. and Margaret Shea and was born in Nashua June 29, 1875. He was educated in the Nashua schools, graduating from the [Nashua] high school in the class of 1895 and received his degree of Doctor of Medicine from the University of Vermont in 1901. Since graduating he has practicing medicine in Nashua continuously. He was a member of the Benevolent Order of Elks, the Eagles, the Owls and the Catholic Order of Foresters and was the medical officer of all. He had served as the chairman of the Nashua Board of Health but held no other public office. Doctor Shea was of an even disposition, beloved by a wide circle of friends and was always eager to be of service.
His papers were on file at Washington as a medical volunteer and he was expecting an immediate call to duty. During the epidemic he worked day and night in relieving suffering and left his sick bed only a short time before his own death to attend to the needs of his patients. He died in the service of humanity and of his country, as truly as if he had received his commission and had gone to the firing line. He is survived by three brothers, Daniel F. Shea, John W. Shea and Timothy Shea, all of Nashua, and sisters, Mrs. Julia M. Donahue of Nashua, and Mrs. Delia L. Cody of Peabody Mass, and several nephews and nieces.
[49] Labonville: Maine Military Index. Name: Leon Labonville. Birth Place: Nashua, New Hampshire, USA [Editor’s note, my research indicates he was born in Suncook NH]. Age: 32. Serial Number: 69344. Residence Place: Houlton. Comments: Enl: Houlton, June 19/16. Reported for Federal Serv: Apr. 13/17. Pvt; Pvt 1st cl Oct. 1/16; Pvt June 1/18; Cpl July 28/18. Org: Co L 2 Regt Me Inf (Co L 103 Inf) to Nov. 11/18. Eng: Aisne-Marne; Champagne-Marne; St Mihiel; Meuse-Argonne; Defensive Sector. Received citation. Overseas: Sept. 27/17 to Nov. 11/18. Killed in action: Nov. 11, 1918. // A 1933 newspaper article about Gold Star Mothers unable to take the government paid trip to France to see gravesites made note: “Mrs. Mary Labonville, Hudson, mother of Corp. Leon Labonville, Co. I, 103rd Infantry, buried at Meuse Argonne.” NOTE: the State of NH’s Roll of Honor at the State House includes his name, even though the NH Adjutant-General’s List does not include it.
[50] McKean: Charles Perkins McKean, b 25 June 1897, Nashua NH, son of Samuel P. McKean and Gertie Peasley.  He grew up in Nashua, New Hampshire, removing to Groton MA just before WWI broke out.  He had siblings: Mary K., Clay E. (older).  // Oct 25, 1917. Nashua Telegraph. Charles P. McKean, formerly of this city and recently living in Groton, Mass, left Boston at 5 o’clock this afternoon for Norfolk VA where he has entered training in the navy department as an apprenticed seaman. // His death certificate and US Navy records confirm his death date and cause shown earlier.  // The U.S. Casualty Book: McKean, Charles Perkins. seaman, second class, United States Navy. Enlisted: Boston, Mass, October 23, 1917. Died, Naval Hospital, Portsmouth VA April 16, 1918. Cause: Cerebrospinal Fever. NOK: Mother, Gertrude McKean, Groton MA.
[51] Rene Woods aka Joseph Arthur Irene Brisboise was born in Nashua NH in September 1899 son of Alexander & Cordelia (Ricard) Brisboise. [SEE Story and Photographs here]
[52] William Henry Holland Jr, was born 19 Aug 1897 at East Boston MA,
son of William H. & Josephine (Rowe) Holland. The 1900 U.S. Census shows the family living in Newton MA but by 1910 they are living in Litchfield, New Hampshire. William H. Holland Senior owned Holland’s Book Shop on Temple Street in Nashua NH so the newspapers claimed him as their own. William Jr. had siblings Martha, Mary S., Dorothy J., Clarissa P., Gertrude R. and Esther.  During WWI he departed for Europe as a Corporal, Co. I, 103rd Infantry from NY City aboard the ship Lapland on 27 September 1917.  He was killed in action on 27 October 1918 in France and buried at the Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery in France.  His family also added a cenotaph in Hillcrest Cemetery, Litchfield NH [his parents are buried in Mount Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge MA].  The white cross that sits atop his grave in France reads:
CORPL. 103 INF. 26 DIV.
Fr C de G. [French Cross de Guerre]
William H. Holland, according to a 1919 newspaper report, received the Croix de Guerre from the French government for his bravery in remaining 36 hours on the firing line after he was wounded. He was in a hospital for a month after he was finally evacuated. He recovered and returned to his unit, fighting in the Argonne forest and was killed by shell fire 11 days before the Armistice was signed.  William H. Holland’s name is engraved on the NH WWI Honor Roll in the NH State House.
[53] Edward D. Walsh was born 23 October 1893 at Kilkee, County Clare, Ireland, son of John Walsh.  He immigrated to the United States aboard the ship Cymric from Queenstown, Ireland, arriving in Boston MA on 11 July 1909. His destination was Newton MA.   On 5 June 1917 he competed his WWI Registration form in Nashua NH where he was living on 62 Pearl Street (his name is not shown in the 1917 or 1918 City Directory). His registration states he was working as a steam driller for the B&M Railroad in Nashua, and that he had served as a corporal in Co. K of the NH National Guard for the past 11 months. He describes himself as being of medium height and build with blue eyes and reddish hair.   During WWI he served as a Corporal in Co. K, 103rd Infantry,and the U.S. Military Transport Passenger Lists show him departing New York City for Europe aboard the ship, Lapland, bound for Europe. At that time his next of kin is Mrs. J. Sullivan of 66 Beech Street, Woburn MA.  In November the newspapers carried stories of his death, of disease on 22 October 1918 in France.   He was buried there, in the Oise-Aisne American Cemetery.  Some books credit him to Woburn MA, however his name is inscribed on the NH WWI Honor Roll in the New Hampshire State House, Concord.

(Thank you)

Marita Klements of Nashua Public Library

[Editor’s Note: this story is part of an on-going series about heroic New Hampshire men and women of World War I.  Look here for the entire listing].

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15 Responses to New Hampshire WWI Military: The Heroes of Nashua

  1. Pingback: World War I Memorials in Nashua New Hampshire | Cow Hampshire

  2. Pingback: New Hampshire WWI Military: Sergeant Arthur P. Kelley of Nashua NH (1876-1918) | Cow Hampshire

  3. Pingback: New Hampshire WWI Military: Private Eli J. Bouley of Nashua NH (1883-1918) | Cow Hampshire

  4. Pingback: New Hampshire World War I Military: Heroes of The Great War | Cow Hampshire

  5. Pingback: New Hampshire WWI Military: Private Earle D. Farley of Nashua NH (1896-1918) | Cow Hampshire

  6. Pingback: New Hampshire WWI Military: Corp. James B. Flynn of Nashua NH (1891-1918) | Cow Hampshire

  7. Pingback: New Hampshire WWI Military: Corporal Louis P. Fraser of Nashua NH (1859- 1918) | Cow Hampshire

  8. Pingback: New Hampshire WWI Military: Sergeant Clement W. Gravelle of Nashua NH (1887-1918) | Cow Hampshire

  9. Pingback: New Hampshire Focus: World War One’s 100th Anniversary in 2017 | Cow Hampshire

  10. Pingback: 100 Years Ago: New Hampshire’s WWI Letters of Death and Heroism | Cow Hampshire

  11. Pingback: New Hampshire WWI Military: Heroes of Hooksett | Cow Hampshire

  12. Pingback: New Hampshire WWI Military: Heroes of Hillsborough | Cow Hampshire

  13. Pingback: New Hampshire WWI Military: Heroes of Hollis | Cow Hampshire

  14. Pingback: One Hundred Years Ago: New Hampshire’s Thanksgiving of 1919 | Cow Hampshire

  15. Pingback: 100 Years Ago: New Hampshire Gold Star Mothers | Cow Hampshire

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