Civil War: Casualties in New Hampshire Regiments, May and June 1864

Casualties of the American Civil War were great.  This article is compiled from a listing printed 157 years ago, found in The Independent Democrat newspaper, Concord NH, of Thursday, June 30, 1864, on page 2.

Photograph: [Unidentified young soldier in 5th New Hampshire Infantry uniform and Whipple hat with bayoneted musket]. Library of Congress (

We publish a list of the casualties in the 10th N.H. Regiment since May 7th, as furnished by Lt. Col. John Coughlin to the Manchester Mirror and American. We also publish casualties in the 13th Regt., which took place near Petersburg, on the 15th, and also those in the 3d, 5th, and 7th, N.H. regiments and 1st. N.H. Cavalry.

May 7th, near Bermuda Hundred, Va. Corp. John C. Aiken, H, shoulder, very light; Wm. Kurdon/Rurdon, F., mouth, severely; John Flynn, F., back, very slight.

May 9th, at Swift Creek near Petersburg Va. Corp. John C. Wooster, A. Face, very slight; Charles H. Leobard, C, shoulder, severe; 1st Lt. John A. Eaton, E., right thigh, severe; Micheal Earley, F, foot, slight; William Clark, G., wrist; Chas. H. Peavy, I, cheek, very slight; John W. Witham, I, hand, do.; 1st Lieut. Lawrence F. Larkin, K, shoulder severe; Sergt. John Garvey, K, arm, very slight; Patrick Garroty, K, check and shoulder, serious; John Valley, K, missing, killed or prisoner.

May 12 near Proctor’s Creek, Va. Andrew J. Wentworth, A, foot, slight; 1st Lieut. Andrew W. Doe, A, head; Corp. Sam’l Spaulding, C., Hand; Sergt. Henry F. Haynes, E. head, serious; S.C. Davis, E., do.; Jas. Horton, E, leg, slight; Andrew Foley, F, leg, seriously; Icture Chapine, [aka Ictore/Ictave Chipine] F, head, severe; Moses D. Proctor, H, killed; Joseph Cole, H, knee, severely; George B. Emerson, H, finger, slight; John Frazier, H, thigh, severe; Jerry Brune, H, head, alight; Samuel Thompson, I, do.; John W. Witham, breast, severe.

May 13 near Drury’s (sic Drewry’s) Bluff, Va. Major Jesse F Angell, abdomen, serious; 2d Lieut. Henry H. Emerson, C, leg, slight.

May 14, near Drury’s (sic Drewry’s) Bluff, Va. (sic Drewry’s) Sergt. Hiram S. Barnes, A, ankle, since died; John Kuse, C, leg, slight; Augustus B. Merrill, C, hand, slight; Page B. Campbell, D, right arm shot off, since died; Geo. Gilsey, D, thigh, slight; 1st Sergt. Charles H. Hoyt, G, head and arm severely; Herman Kleinschmidt, I, missing, last seen in action, killed or prisoner.

May 15, near Drury’s (sic Drewry’s) Bluff, Va. Timothy McCarty, K, killed; Richard T. McClusky, K, foot, slight.

May 16, near Drury’s (sic Drewry’s) Bluff, Va. William Allen A, killed; Hiram O. Chase, do.; Benjamin Twiss, A, missing, last seen in action, killed or prisoner; Richard Corregan, C, leg slight; Alfred Towns, D, thigh, severely; Wm. R. Eastman, D, foot slightly; Edward Lovely, D, hand, shot himself, coward and skulker; Otis W. Corney, E, leg, slight; Solon Cooper, do.; 1st Sergt. John F. O’Brien, F, face, slight; Jeremiah Regan, F, Foot, slight; T.W. McCoy, I, head, mortally; James D. Place, I, head, dangerously; Louis Fernandez, f, hand, slight.

Photograph: TENTH N.H. VETERANS at Hooksett, September 10, 1885.
[Civil War veterans of the 10th New Hampshire Infantry Regiment with drum, “Manchester War Veterans drum G.A.R. Corps”, at Hooksett, New Hampshire, September 10, 1885] Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. (

With Army of the Potomac, June 1st, near Cold Harbor, Va. Corp. Joseph Bailey, A, arm severe; Henry Harris, shoulder slight; John Johnson, D. Killed; Joseph Verdie, K, foot, slight; Paul Lupo, arm.

June 2nd, near Cold Harbor, Va. 2d Lieut. Daniel W. Russell, D, killed; Ransom Quimby, F, face, severely; Corp. George A. Pedrick, killed; John White, head, severely; Thomas Solin, 2d, K, arm, slightly.

June 3rd, near Cold Harbor, Va. Sergt. Isaac Quint, A, head, slight; William A. Barrett, thigh, serious; Walter D. Campbell, thigh, serious; John S. Ellis, elbow, slight; Louis Loiselle, thigh, serious; Frank Shannon, face, slight; Miles Aldrich, leg, serious; Henry C. Moore, shoulder, very slight; Henry A. Bailey, side, very slight; Joseph L. Davis, both thighs, since died; George H. Hall, A, nose and arm, serious; George E. Bean, missing, last seen in action, probably dead; John Killela, B, killed; Thomas Waugh, side, severely; Edward W. Dalton, head, slight; John Espley, left arm amputated; F.C. McDermitt, thigh, slight; Corp. Charles H. Mahew, C, head, severe; Sergt. Silas T. Goodale, D, shoulder, severe; Charles W. Foss, breast, severe, since died; Sylvanus B. Putnam, right arm amputated; Moses E. Quimby, head, slight; Phillip E. Crooker, missing, supposed to be dead; Corp John A. Martin, arm, serious; John Miller, head, slight; John Morrissey, do.; Mortimer E. Raymond, head, mortally; Corp. George W. Chase, E, leg, seriously; Chas. B. Dimond, abdomen, slight; George Atwood, face, severely; Joseph E. Gove, wrist, seriously; Nathaniel A. Hodge, arm, seriously; Henry W. Pettee, neck, seriously; Joseph Bills, hand, very slight; Isaiah L. Swett, missing, supposed to be dead; Corp. Nathaniel A. Upton, shoulder, slight; Charles H. Morrill, thigh, serious; Elbridge G. Brown, breast, severely, missing; Evsus G. Haskins, head severely; Stilman Lawrence, neck, very slight; Henry Wendall, face, severely.
Capt. John L. O’Brien, F, toe amputated; Sergt. Spencer F. Jewett, F, shoulder, serious; Lawrence Cooley, F, arm, serious; Chas. Mehigan, F, arm, serious; Cornelius Driscoll, F, arm, very slight; Jas. Gordon, F, arm, slight; Jer. Regan, F, hand, serious; Miner Smith, F, missing, supposed to be dead; Sergt. John Kerin, F, foot, very slight; John Connors, F, wrist, severe; John Quinn, F, both legs, since died; Hugh Lawler, F, hand, slight; James Kilby, F, shoulder, severe; Corp. John Kelley, F; Mich. O’Sullivan, F, killed; Jos. Ray, G, killed; Chas. Buzzell, G, hip, serious; Chas. L. Hoyt, G, head severe; Francis Niles, G, hips, severe; Chas Young, G, head, severe; Wm. J.W. Burke, G, foot, slight; Lewis Dow, G, head, Severe; Nicholas Kays, G, head, severe; Ed. Whitney, G, arm, severe; Mich. Hale, G, arm, severe; Jos. S. Dow, H, killed; G.W. Coffran, H, head severe; 1sst Lieut. Jas. Knott, I, thigh and breast, died same day; 2d Lieut. Wm. P. Williams, I, leg, slight; 1st Sergt. Geo. W. Littlefield, I, side, contusion; Horace P. Boody, I, foot, slight; Enoch Glover, I, shoulder, slight; Fred Ranzy, I, arm, slight; Ruel Willey, I, leg, severe; Corp. John Hughes, I, head, slight; John H. Lord, I, shoulder, slight; Joseph Stockman, I, face, slight; Jos. Washburn, I, leg, slight; Anson Bickford, I, killed; Jas. Arnott, K, ankle, severe; John Bryson, K, arm and hip, serious; John Murphy, K, finger, slight; John Berry, K, leg, slight; Corp. Cornelius Carey, K, leg, slight; Jas. Crowley, K, killed; Sergt John Readon, F, leg very slight.

June 4th near Cold Harbor Va. Sergt. Matthew Farmer, K, one leg amputated

June 5th near Cold Harbor, Va. Horace Townsend, A, foot, serious; 1st Sergt and Acting 2nd Lieut. Ruel Manning, H, leg, serious.

June 8th, near Cold Harbor, Va. Corp. Patrick Kirins, H, both thighs, serious.

June 10th, near Cold Harbor, Va. John Smith, H, arm, severe.

June 11th near Cold Harbor Va. Charles M. Hum, B, hand, slight.

June 15th, near Petersburg, Va. Geo. H. Wyman, D, contusion in foot, very slight; Corp. Jos. Wagle, F, contusions in hand, very slight; Jas. H. Riley, I, contusions in hip, very slight.

June 16th near Petersburg, Va. Chas. Seavey, A, shoulder, serious; Frank Shannon, A, the right side, serious; Heselare Huntress, A, killed; Joseph Reon, E, leg, severe; Capt. James Madden, K, killed; Roger Shady, K, hand, severe.

Adjutant N.B. Bostwell wounded.
Co. A– Killed, Geo. P. Bessett, Geo. Ricker.
Wounded, Lieut. C.F. Gafury, Sergt. John L. Curtis, Corp Geo S. Frost, Corp. T.C. Taylor, Casper Albuck, John Brown, Chas Boso, Geo. Emerson, Wm. Glidden.
B–Wounded, Capt. E.E. Dodge, Richard Doherty.
C–Killed, Thos. Davis.
Wounded, Sergt Geo. Burns, R.K. Peavey, John F. Varney.
D–Wounded, John D. Gibson, Frank Chase, Jesse W. Place, Joseph J. Hutton, Thos. Gilman, J. Brown.
E–Wounded, Lieut S.M. Thompson, Corp. J. B. Greene, L.H. Young, Patrick O’Neil.
F–Wounded, Corp. G.H. Hanscom, Corp. G. O. Buzzell, C.H. Jackson
G–Killed. H.H. Frair. Wounded, Charles Barnes, Chas. Foot.
H–Wounded, Sergt G.C. Kimball, Corp. D. Rowell, David Holbrook, James M. Jordan, Benj. Knight, C.G. Ham, Chas. Perry.
I–Wounded, Chas. Titcomb, John M. Hall, John S. Draper, Ira Sweatt, G.W. Johnson.
K–Wounded, Corp. W.W. Mace, Geo. H. Berry, John Harmon.

Killed, Privates Daniel Farley, Co. C; Harrison Johnson, Joseph Sheppard, James Powers, Co. D; Walter Kendall, and Corp. E.H. Willey, Co. K.

Officers wounded severely–Capt. Wm. H. Maxwell, thigh; Capt. Jonah Libby Jr, right thigh; Lieut. John H. Tredick, both thighs; Lieut. James McCay, left thigh.
Wounded–Co. A– Privates Samuel D. Breisford, head; James McEwen, back, slightly.
B–Private H.C. Hall, abdomen, mortally.
C–Privates James Cameron, knee; Charles Smith, leg.
D–Sergt. Geo. T. Crane, side, severely; Corp. Perry Long, elbow; Privates Wm. Duffy, hand; James Burns, shoulder severely.
E–Privates John Abbott, side; Lewis Fontaine; J.R.C. Hoyt, arm; — Freeman, Corp., Samuel Small.
F–Corp. Fred A. Nichols. Privates John Ennis, face, E.F. Hodgdon, right wide.
G–Private Geo. R. Bickford, head.
H–Corp. John Brooks, abdomen, mortally; Privates Wm. Bencho, right hip; Wm. Collins, left thumb; Tracy L. Hall neck.
I. Privates Richard H. Foss, left foot; N. Nickerson, finger.
Missing–Privates Donald McDonald, Co.D, wounded and left on field; Small, Fountains and Freeman, Co E, left on field.
Killed 6; Wounded, 4 officers and 25 men; Nicholas and Hodgden, Co F, have since died of wounds.

June 18th–Co A–Charles Tenney.
Co B–Sergt. E.F. Marting, C.A. Wilson, J. Thompson, S. Hanson
Co. C–E. Jordan, Charles Dexter
Co. D–Amos J. Rollins
Co. E–J. Canile, J. Isingtrost, J. Calrendoat.
Co. F–A. H. Stone
Co. G–Sergt Wm. G. Woods
Co. H– W.S. Catis
Co. I–Albert Walker, Sergt. —- Hall, Charles Lovejoy, J. McMillen
Co. K–M. Morris, J. Mason

Co. A. Privates Geo. Thompson and Jos .Watson, lost in action
Co. B–Private Charles H. Dwinnells, killed; Private Samuel G. McCluer, wounded in hip; Chas. B. Adams, severely, head; Chas. Tulley, slightly, leg.
Co. C–Corp. H.G> Mann; Privates William Brown, arm; Nath’l Fox, shoulder.
Co. D–2d Lt. C.A. Lawrence, slightly, leg; Privates Jacob Follansbee and Henry Johnson, both seriously, leg.
Co. E–Corp. Geo. W. Elliott, severely wounded.
Co. F–Privates Benj. F. Cook, killed; Privates Thos. Brown, wounded and missing.
Co. H–Private Chas. A. Hale, severely, shoulder; Antonio Gonzales, severely, hip.
Co. I–Privates Levi Dunham, head, James Murphy, severely, arm and side; Charles H. Thompson, arm.
Killed, wounded and missing, 21.

Photograph: Battle Flags of New Hampshire Regiments. Fourteenth N.H. Vol. Infantry / Kimball & Sons, State Block, cor. Main and School Sts., Concord, N.H. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. (

FIFTH REGIMENT. Thos. Clark, Co. E, head; Jno. Eisenbrandt, neck; Anton Harvey, shoulder; C. Hold, foot; Sergt. W. Woods.
THIRTEENTH REGIMENT. Corp .E.O. Buswell; Sergt E Byrnes, thigh; J. Barr; J. Bunce; Sergt. J.J. Curtis; J.S. Draper; R. Dougherty; Corp J. Foot, T Gilman; Lt. C. Graffter; W. H. Gatten, W.H. Gidren, D. Holbroke; G.H. Hanscome; D. Howell; G.F. Hare; C.H. Jackson; B. Knight; Capt. E.E. Lodge; W. Mace; C. Oldbeck; J.J. Patten; T.C. Taylor; L.H. Young.

The following were admitted to Depot Hospital at Point of Rocks, June 15, 16 and 17:
Pat. O’Neil, Co. E, 13th; J. Herrick, 10th; Corp. John Brooks, H, 3d, since died; James Burns, D, 3d; H.C. Hall, H, 3d; Wm. Bancho, H, 3d; Sam’l G. McCluer, B, 7th; Chas. H. Thompson, I, do; G.W. Elliott, E, do; Wm. Brown, C, do; James Murphy, I, do; Jacob Follansbee, D, do; Henry Johnson D, do; Levi Dunham, D, do; Charles B. Adams, D, do; A. Bauralox, H, do; Charles A. Hale, H, do; Jas. Test, D, do; Charles Smith, C,3d; J.S. Eamis, F, do; I-Perry, D, do.

The following deaths have occurred in Hampton Hospital:–
Chas. Foote, 13th N.H.; John P. Clay, 17th; Richard Doherty, 13th; Go. Law, 2d; John Brown, 13th; Amos Frago, 10th.

CASUALTIES IN THE 1ST N.H.CAVALRY. June 13th. Killed–2d Lieut. Robert Campbell, Co. L; Private Osgood, Co. I; Private Carey, Co. M.
Wounded– Co. A, Sergt Carr, Corp. Smith, Private Latham; Co. C, Dufour Tebbetts; Co. M., Brewster; Co. I, Kennedy, Raymond; Co. K, Hall, Pye, Waye, Yardly; Co. M, Fuller.
Missing–Co A Metcalf; Co. L, Clark.


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