This gallery contains 6 photos.
National Pet Week is celebrated from May 5-11, 2013. During our lifetimes pets are our beloved companions, and should be included in our family tree gallery. Here are a sampling of pets from my family.
PROMINENT EVENTS in Early America, New England and New Hampshire (including the American Revolution) The following was gleaned from the History of Barnstead NH from its first settlement in 1727 to 1872, by Jeremiah P. Jewett, Lowell Mass., Marden & … Continue reading
Happy Sestercentennial, Semiquincentennial, or Quarter-millennial to you! In 1763 thirteen towns in New Hampshire were considered official by proclamation of then Provincial Governor Benning Wentworth. In that year New Hampshire was a rough and dangerous place to live. Within a decade … Continue reading
It’s close to midnight Some sap is dripping from my family tree Under computer screen light You see search results that make you want to flee You try to shriek But a zillion family hits just blur your vision You … Continue reading
This gallery contains 6 photos.
National Pet Week is celebrated from May 5-11, 2013. During our lifetimes pets are our beloved companions, and should be included in our family tree gallery. Here are a sampling of pets from my family.
“Where, in many straggling group, Gnarled and crooked willows By a chaffing streamlet stoop, And their yellow branches droop, Tow’rd its tiny billows; Near the banks are little whirls,– Whirles of fretted water,– And beneath those rings of pearls Trout … Continue reading