I have been writing about the towns in New Hampshire that had reported deaths in World War I, focusing on those places with residents who made the supreme sacrifice. I am making an exception for Dublin, New Hampshire.
This is because the Dublin Historical Society is holding an important event called “Lest We Forget: Dublin’s Patriots in WWI” from August 11 to August 26, 2018, 10 AM to 1 PM. Their Opening Reception will be held on August 13th starting at 5:30 PM. The event is easy to find, as its being held in the top floor of Dublin New Hampshire’s Town Hall [1120 Main Street].
The local newspaper, the Monadnock Ledger-Transcript, wrote a nice story about what you might expect to see there, and provided some photographs of some the artifacts that will be on exhibit. The story mentions only a few of the many soldiers and the nurse from the town who were in service. So how would you know if you had a connection with them? Continue reading