Tag Archives: celebrate

New Hampshire: Apples, Autumn and Heirloom Recipes

Late August to late October is the apple-picking season in New Hampshire.  According to Foster’s Daily Democrat, Governor Maggie Hassan picked “the first NH apple of the season” on September 4, 2014, the 6th New Hampshire Apple Day being celebrated.

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New Hampshire’s 250 Year Old Towns

Happy Sestercentennial, Semiquincentennial, or Quarter-millennial to you!  In 1763 thirteen towns in New Hampshire were considered official by proclamation of then Provincial Governor Benning Wentworth.  In that year New Hampshire was a rough and dangerous place to live. Within a decade … Continue reading

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Celebrating New Hampshire Women Through History

In March of 2006, I wrote my first blog article specifically about women, named “New Hampshire Women in History,” and five years later…. Continue reading

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How To Celebrate A New Hampshire Valentine’s Day 2008

Saint Valentine didn't speak with a New Hampsha' accent. Many of his legends… Continue reading

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