Women of New Hampshire in WWI

Lithograph Poster. “Hold up your end!” War fund week poster showing a Red Cross nurse holding up one end of a stretcher, with the other end extended toward the viewer. 1917, W.B. King, artist. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington D.C.
The service and contributions of women during World War I is often ignored or understated. When the war ended it was reported in the newspapers that a wonderful monument was installed honoring the service of animals while nurses mostly did not receive either recognition or benefits. The stories posted here are my attempt to bring to light the amazing women who often faced death to perform their duties.
–New Hampshire WWI Military: Army Nurse Corps Teresa Margaret Murphy of Concord NH (1891-1918)
–New Hampshire WWI Military: U.S. Army Nurse Lucy Nettie Fletcher of Concord NH (1886-1918)
–New Hampshire WWI Military: Phillips Exeter Academy Infirmary Nurse, Katherine Patterson Irwin 1870-1918) [credited to Ohio]
— New Hampshire WWI Military: Yeoman Anne (Frasier) Norton of Derry, Manchester and Portsmouth NH (1893-1918)
—100 Years Ago: Gold Star Women “Nurses of World War I”
— Chief Nurse of WW1 Expeditionary Forces, Red Cross Chief Nurse Harvard Unit, Peter Bent Brigham Hospital School of Nursing Founder, National Association President and Pioneer of American Nursing: Nashua New Hampshire’s Carrie May Hall (1873-1963) – blog, Cow Hampshire
— Manchester New Hampshire Teacher, WW1 Red Cross Nurse, Public Health Nurse, Women’s Rights Advocate, Civic Leader, Clubwoman: Elena Mae (Crough) Lockwood (1884-1962)
–New Hampshire WWI Military: The Nurses of Base Hospital No. 6 aka “The Bordeaux Belles”
— New Hampshire WWI Military: Yankee “Hello Girl” Agnes Theresa (Houley) O’Brien of Groveton
— A Gold Star Mother’s Trip to France: Mrs. Nora G. (Hamblett) Weld of Canaan NH
— New Hampshire WWI Military: The Nurse Heroes of Franklin
— New Hampshire Women and WWI “Food Work”
— New Hampshire WWI Nurse and First Woman Delegate to American Legion Convention: Ruth Ferris Corey of Manchester
– New Hampshire WWI Nurse: Margaret Mary Tymon of Rumney
– New Hampshire in WWI: The Phelan Sisters of Milford
– New Hampshire WWI Military: “Hello Girl” Lydia C. Gelinas of Nashua
Main WWI Page: New Hampshire’s World War One History