WWI Honor Roll: Abbott to Eugene Desrosiers

The names on this page are found on the [Left Panel] of the engraved World War One Honor Roll, located in Doric Hall in the New Hampshire State House, Concord.  The complete listing is found here at “New Hampshire’s World War One History.”

Click on the name links below to see the individual stories.  These articles may contain photographs, service information, burial location and other biographical data.

Thomas H. Abbott                George J. Bush
John B. Ahern                       Warren G. Bushee
Arthur J. Allard                     Frank A. Buswell
Harley W. Allison                  Paul H. Buzzell
Frank Altobelli                       Leslie C. Cady
Andrew Ansaldo                    Carlo Calderara
Percy Ashley                           Ernest J. Call
Ray R. Averill                         George Caouette
Charles H. Ayer                      Austin H. Carey
Willie J. Bacon                       Charles S. Carpenter
Armond J. Badger                  Joseph Carignan
Burns W. Bailey                      Donald A. Carter
Harold E. Bailey                      N.P. Castonguay
Percy H. Bailey                        Oswald Castonguay
Harry F. Baker                         James Catsavos
Herbert E. Baker                     George M. Cavis
Silas F. Baldwin                       Wilfred J. Chabott
Dante J. Baratelli                    Eugene Chagnon
Arthur J. Baribeau                   Mike T. Champa
Charles O. Barnard                 Clayton C. Chaplin
William H. Barrett                  Lester Chapman
Bernard B. Barry                     Herman C. Charlonne
Stephen F. Barry                     Antonio Chartier
Frank D. Bartlett                     David Chartier
Harry E. Bassett                      Louis U. Chartier
Claude R. Batchelder              Frank H. Chase
Ray W. Beadle                         Leon L. Chase
Arthur L. Bean                       Lester W. Chase
Arthur Beauchesne                 William H. Cheney
Sydney W. Beauclerk              Conrad J. Christianson
James H. Beck                         John W. Christie
Robert C. Beckett                    Arthur J. Clark
Frank Beggs                              Earl B. Clark
Herbert H. Bell                        Joseph F. Clark
Osburn Bell                              Millard C. Clark
Frank O. Bemis                       William H.T. Clark
Burton Q. Benjamin               George Clayburn
Aime Benoit                             Edward Clifford
Roy H. Bent                              Merrill Clough
Konstante Berestechki           William O. Clough
Arthur O. Bergeron                 Joseph Clougherty
Henry J. Bergeron                   Gerald K. Clover
Percy Bergin                             James E. Coffey
Ray H. Berry                           Alfred J. Colby
Joseph Bettenski                    Myron O. Colby
William Betz                             John J. Collins
Seth P. Bickford                      Arthur L. Coleman
James H. Bissell                      Edward J. Condon
Charles E. Bitgood                   James D. Conley
Guy H. Blackstone                   John J. Connors
Herbert W. Blackstone           Ray E. Cooper
Clarence L. Blair                      Andrew F. Connell
Herbert E. Blake                      Paul L. Corriveau
Charles H. Blakeley                 Alfred J. Cote
Paul G. Blandin                        Philias Cote
Arthur H. Bliss                         Theobald P. Cote
Chester A. Bock                       William E. Cote
Hollis I. Bockus                       Louis Coty
Omer Boissonneau                  Earl A. Covey
Frank Booma                            Charles Cox
Robert M. Borland                  Thomas J. Coyne
Dennis J. Bossie                       Earl W. Cram
Lionel Bouchard                       John E. Crawford
Edward Bouford                       Clayton W. Crippen
Emile Boulay                             Daniel J. Cronin
Raymond Boulay                      George H. Cronin
Charles O. Bouley                     James J. Cronin
Eli Bouley                                   Leon H. Crosby
Emil J. Bourassa                       Clarence J. Croteau
William M. Bourdeau               Stanis J. Cullerot
Everett J. Bourdon                    Arthur W. Currie
Alfred N. Bousquet                    Harry L. Curtis
Peter R. Bradley                         William Cyr
William F. Brennan                  Walter Dale
Claude J. Brewster                     Walter G. Dale
Armand A. Brien                        Milo M. Damon
Carl P. Britton                            Alpha J. Danis
Charles H. Brooks                     Thomas Daudier
Frank L. Brooks                         Harry E. Davey
William J. Brown                       Carl G. Davis
Alba F. Brunelle                         John E. Davis
Horace Buckman                       Lawrence C. Davis
Julian J. Bugail                          Ernest W. DeCato
Charles C. Burdick                     Paul C. Dennett
Bertram M. Burke                      Amedie Deschenes
John E. Burnette                        Frank E. Desfosse
Emile T. Burns                            Leo A. Desilets
Eugene Desrosiers

WWI Honor Roll: Francois X. Desrosiers to Houston
WWI Honor Roll: Humiston to Partridge
WWI Honor Roll: Patch to Young

[Editor’s Note: I originally had the links to the entire honor roll on one page. However due to the limitations of my WordPress template, the page “broke” and did not allow me to continue to edit it.  To remedy the situation I have divided the list into segments, this being one of them.]